Home Automation Podcast Episode #102: An Industry Q&A With Rohan Dunbar

In this weeks home automation show of Automation Unplugged, Ron Callis interviewed custom integrator Rohan Dunbar, Owner of Atlanta based smart home automation company, Digital Lifestyle Solutions.
This week's home automation podcast features our host Ron Callis interviewing Rohan Dunbar. Recorded live on Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 at 12:30 p.m. EST.
About Rohan Dunbar
Rohan Dunbar, Owner of Atlanta based Digital Lifestyle Solutions. Rohan got his start in the AV business in 2005 working with Audio Command Systems out of New York learning how to install smart systems in high-end homes. It wasn't until 2008 that he began working closely with Crestron control systems for Residential and Commercial spaces.
In 2010, Rohan founded Digital Lifestyle Solutions with a focus on offering solutions as a CSP, Crestron Service Provider to integration firms throughout North America. In 2017, he made the transition to convert Digital Lifestyle Solutions into a full installation company serving both residential and commercial clients in the greater Atlanta market
Interview Recap
Here are some of the topics Ron had the opportunity to discuss with Rohan Dunbar:
- Rohan’s transition from Crestron Service Provider into a Certified Crestron Dealer
- Ways he is pivoting his focus to make up for project pauses caused by COVID-19
- How his business is preparing for the possible boom of business on the other side of COVID-19
- Which Crestron technologies have him jazzed for 2020
- What he’s doing to help other integrators grow and thrive
Ron: Hey there, Ron Callis here with another episode of Automation Unplugged. This is Episode #102. We've got a great guest today, Rohan Dunbar of Digital Lifestyle Solutions, out of Atlanta. He is a longtime friend and client from the industry. Rohan and I were having a chuckle before we got live. We said, "Well, there are so many people working from home, we wonder if our live audience is going to be larger than normal." We'll just have to see how that goes. Let me introduce you to our guest for show #102. Rohan, how are you, sir?
Rohan: I'm doing great. How are you?
Ron: I am good. I know it's trying times, and you still agreed to come on, and I just want to thank you for doing that.
Rohan: Thank you for having me.
Ron: I learned just as we were prepping to go live here, that you're a listener! And that you had reached out to some of the guests in the past and carried on conversations from what you had learned or heard in the shows.
Rohan: Exactly. I'm always learning, and I'm always watching. I talked to one of your guests, Ian, from Aspire AVS, and he was a great guy to talk to, teaching me some things. As I said, I'm always learning. So we're going to continue our talks and do some business together.
Ron: That's cool, man. Love to see when relationships like that blossom. You and I have known each other, how long?
Rohan: At least ten years, around the time you started One Firefly.
Ron: Yeah, that's right. That would have been around '07, '08 or so. And that's only a few years after you started your business, right? From the notes you said you started in, what is it - '05?
Rohan: '05 was when I got in the industry as a technician back in the day at Audio Command Systems.
Ron: Alright. Tell the audience a little bit about yourself. Let's talk about your background and how you got started?
Rohan: Right. A lot of guests I've seen that have answered that question say that they started in car audio. I didn't get that start. I started off as a deejay. Playing in clubs and messing with equipment, then took that to the house and then started playing with equipment just to get some stereo sound or know how to pick up equipment. From there, I learned about surround sound and learned about what automation was back in the day. Just did my research on it got a lot of industry magazines, and then Audio Command was a company that did all the high-end luxury homes that I want to get into and learn. I went into that industry nothing pretty much and just learned from the ground up. I started as a helper, just doing what I was told, pulling wires, just in the trenches. Until I got myself up to be a lead technician and worked my way up from there.
Ron: That's cool. What's pretty cool is that Audio Command has been a longtime great customer here at One Firefly. So it's just funny how everything's so interconnected. When you decided to leave Audio Command and start your gig, when did you do that? It sounds like I got that date wrong. Is that the 2008 timeframe?
Rohan: Well, that was 2008 when I came to Atlanta. Pretty much, I went to learn how to write programs. I kind of started learning when I was at the Audio Command. I used to watch a lot of the programmers come onsite so that I would do is finish my work early, and when they'd come out with their laptops, I'd just take notes and watch how they work. I was a student and worked my way up until I got an offer in Atlanta to be a junior programmer because their company saw what I did on my own so they could take me to the next level. That's what made me jump.
Ron: And then where do you go from there?
Rohan: I worked at a company called One Touch Control in Atlanta, learned how to write code, but that was in '08 during the market crisis.
Ron: That was the last crisis! But we're going to try to make that one look small with this one, that's going to be peanuts.
Rohan: Yeah. I got through that crisis.
Ron: You'll get through this one too.
Rohan: Yeah. We'll definitely get through it. We just have to do what we have to do and be responsible. That's all we have to do.
Ron: That's right. When did you transition to ultimately go out on your own?
Rohan: That was probably about 2010, that's when I wanted to take a chance on myself. There were a lot of things going on, and the economy was coming back at the time. A lot of new opportunities started coming up, and then I just took a shot at it. A lot of people are asking me to do some code for them, that's what made me start my CSP business.
Ron: And CSP, for those that are listening and might not know, what does that stand for?
Rohan: Crestron Service Provider.
Ron: There you go. And what is that?
Rohan: Pretty much, I was behind the scenes for a lot of AV integrators, writing the code for them. Whether it be for commercial jobs or residential jobs, they would all hire me from all walks of life, could be here in Atlanta or Alabama, Tennessee. And I'd just write code for them. That's what we were allowed to do at the time.
Ron: oIs that what you're still doing today, or have you further transitioned now?
Rohan: I've further transitioned now because now I'm a full-blown AV installer. Now, instead of being a Crestron Service Provider, I'm a dealer. Now we sell the products, we install it and program it.
Ron: Aside from the virus and the zombie apocalypse that's happening outside right now, and if I were to ask you what a normal project or types of projects are, what would they look like? For your business Digital Lifestyle Solutions, what's a typical project or customer?
Rohan: A lot of our projects are pretty much on the high-end side. We take on larger estate type programs. We don't just control your TV and music. We also control your thermostat, your pools, your garage doors, or your gate. We integrate pretty much anything we can for the client. And because I'm a Crestron programmer, we do everything custom, so we try to keep it easy for the client to use it. But typically we do a lot of things like that. It could be a yacht - we've worked on yachts before. Typically everything that is pretty much on the high-end scale. But then we've also gone into the commercial side. We do conference rooms, things like that. At the same time, because of my old CSP, I still help other integrators out with their background code to help them.
Ron: What percentage of your work, like say in the last 12 months, was you doing your own integration work? And I'll just speak, top-line revenue without you disclosing numbers. How much of that were your own projects versus say outsource work you do programming for others?
Rohan: Well, I would say about 40% of it was my own, and then the rest comes from other dealers that need help.
Ron: OK. Obviously, the elephant in the room is COVID-19. What has been the impact on you? How have you felt it since the hammer started coming down on all of us in around the world?
Rohan: Yes. Currently, we have some products on pause. I was already in the middle of an install, almost done with it. But then that was paused. We were doing a commercial building, working up a new design for it, but then that building was put on pause. We did have to work there, we were working on Phase 2 for the commercial building, but right now there's no one in the building.
Ron: You're in Atlanta, for all those that are listening. When did you get this word that you can't go to the job site?
Rohan: Last week, a week and a half ago. We were on our residential site last week for the last time until that got put on pause, and then the commercial site closed down about a week earlier.
Ron: How are you coping with this? How do you how do you feel?
Rohan: I mean, I'm doing all right because I have products in the pipe that I'm designing right now. I'm designing some stuff for two homes right now, working on that. I have another integrator that came to me that I work with on a regular basis, we're working on maybe like 5-6 conference rooms right now. There's still that stuff coming in, so we're doing OK. Besides the things on pause, I still have work to do. We're blessed.
Ron: That's good. Find the silver linings. I do often. Everyone is having a hard time. No one's being spared here, and it's just a matter of doing the best you can with what you have.
Rohan: Exactly.
Ron: How long do you think this is going to last? How long you think it's gonna be bad? Like if you were looking into your tea leaves or in your crystal ball, how do you see this affecting the balance of your year?
"Once we're past this, business is gonna explode. There's going to be a lot of people out there that put things on pause that want to get back to business as usual, and things are going to ramp up I think pretty quickly."
Rohan: Well I would say this is probably going to last, I feel like another month or two before we were to get a serious control on it. But I think what's going to happen is that once we're past this business is gonna explode. There's going to be a lot of people out there that put things on pause that want to get back to business as usual, and things are going to ramp up I think pretty quickly. The good thing to do right now is to be prepared.
Ron: How are you thinking about preparing for that potential pop on the other side of this?
Rohan: In the meantime, I'm just going to be learning, doing my own webinars, learning about different products out there. As I said, I have projects that I'm designing right now. We're going to get a stronghold on those projects, get a lot of things that we couldn't get done if things were normal. We're going to ramp up and get things done quicker. With the time I have here, there's going to be an office just cranking up the design and cranking out programs, things that we can get done quickly, so when the time does come, we're pretty much ready to go.
Ron: That's good. I love it. I do have a couple of comments. Sarah Drescher says, "Hey Ron. Working from home here in New Jersey. Good to see you." Likewise Sarah. It is good to see you. And we have Allison Rosa, and she says, "Welcome to the show, Rohan! Excited to hear from you." We have Angel, and he says, "Welcome, Rohan!" As we move forward, your business is unique, Rohan, in that you're diversified. You program for integrators around the country. You're not certified as an official CSP, you were, but when you gained your dealer status, you can't be both.
Rohan: No, you can't.
Ron: In your case, it's more lucrative to be an integrator than purely a programmer. But you're allowed, it's a free market, to sell programming services to other companies.
Rohan: Yeah. And I just help people out that need my assistance. Maybe they don't have a program on staff, or they just want to learn. I've helped other people that want to code, teach them how to code. I'm also a teacher/helper.
Ron: Well, we've got to help each other. It sounds like you're taking people under your wing and giving them advice and direction, which is pretty cool. I think that certainly seems I don't want to say convenient because it was by design, that's certainly a positive aspect of your business model in that you're able to serve integrators around the country. Even if your local market is locked down, you're still able to keep some revenue and flow happening from other markets that are open.
Rohan: Exactly. That's why it helps out. As I said, we're on lockdown here.
Ron: It seems rather genius, actually. Other people are going, "Hm. That's a really good idea. I think I want to do that.".
Rohan: Exactly, I'm glad I learned how to code.
Ron: Amen to that. Now you were supposed to be in Miami right now.
Rohan: Yeah, next week was supposed to be the Crestron Masters Event, which that got shut down. I was looking forward to that because there were a lot of new classes that they don't have available anywhere else, but due to the Coronavirus, that whole thing has been shut down.
Ron: What is Creston Masters for the uninitiated? What is the class that is now no longer?
Rohan: Crestron Masters is an event you get invited to once you become a Crestron Certified Programmer. What they do is, they invite you to come out and they teach you all the new things before the technology comes available for the next quarter, or the next year. For example, I was looking forward to doing the HTML-5 class because there's a lot of new things that we're going to be doing with the Crestron UI that we could do for our clients that make it more advanced and easier for them to use and easier for us to program. And then there are new things that Crestron's making available like Creston Home that's out now, but they'll still teach you more about that, how to make it easier for your clients and for your job to go through a lot smoother.
Ron: I want to do a deep dive into some of the aspects of Crestron that have you excited and jazzed. There's no better time than the present. Let's break that down, in Crestron land - are you a resi-guy, commercial, or you do both? Do you focus on one type of project or the other?
Rohan: I'm always pulled 50/50. I'm always doing both, so I'm always learning both. Residential was how I got in, but commercial is what ended up becoming a part of my company.
Ron: What in the Crestron system, public knowledge I used to work for Crestron for a brief stint back in 2003 to 2007. That said, I mean, Crestron was a much much smaller company. If I think of the company, at that time, I thought of them as huge, but they're bigger now than they were way back when. Of the thousands of products and the dozens of verticals and industries they serve, what are some of the technologies that have you excited? I know you mentioned Crestron Home. What is that, and why are you excited about it?
Rohan: Well, Crestron Home takes the complications out of putting in the Crestron system. A lot of people are afraid of Crestron because of the programming. Everybody just put the hands up and say, "I don't know how to do this. It's going to cost me a lot of money, going to cause the client a lot of money to program." Crestron Home takes all of those complications out of it. You could pretty much just have an installer set up the equipment, and your installer can pretty much program the system because there's really no program. It's just a setup. You can tell the app what's in the system and builds everything for you. It builds the UI for you, so your time-on-site has cut down significantly.
Ron: I'm going to peel the layers back on that because that sounds good, but I'm going to give a reason that may be bad, but maybe it's not. If you were able to previously, and I'm making a number up, previously charge for 50 hours of programming because perhaps that's what it took. Now it only takes five hours of programming. Do you now only charge for five hours of programming, and so the net revenue to you as a business is less? And I'm mindful that this might be a touchy subject, in terms of the consumers that may actually watch this, it's unlikely, but I guess it's possible they could watch this. But just from a business standpoint, and I'm not picking on Creston here because this is universal to Savant and Control4, Elan, and all of the movement from programming into more configuration. I get that it takes less time, and it's easier to scale your personnel to do that because they don't have to be masters to be able to configure or program a system, but is there a negative to that? In that there's now less money to make on that labor piece or is it OK?
Rohan: There is some negative, from a business standpoint, when you look at it, "OK. I can't charge what I used to charge for programming anymore." That is a negative. It's a positive for the client because you're in and out of their home, they don't want to sit there for hours writing code. And depending on the skill level of your programmer, that could take forever, or it could be quick.
Ron: If they hired you, it would be quick, obviously.
Rohan: It'd be quick because I've done it for years, so it's not hard for me. But for a new guy coming in that wants to learn Crestron, they can pretty much pick it up and go along with it. The other negative to that is there's still a customer out there. The customer out there is for the client that is at a certain level that they want to do a mansion of Lord knows what. But Crestron Home, you have a sandbox that you're in, and as long as you stay in that, you're OK. And that's good because clients don't want all these complicated things going on in their home. They just want things to work like their lights and TV.
Ron: The consumers are generally fine operating in that sandbox.
Rohan: Right. So if you're in that sandbox, you're fine, and there are a lot of clients in that sandbox, which is perfectly fine. Then you have those other clients out there that they want everything under the sun.
Ron: Yeah. And you can still go custom, right?
Rohan: That's what I'm saying you can still go custom, we still have that going on. My jobs are all custom. I keep it at a certain template, and I'm able to grow and expand on it. Whereas with Crestron Home, you have to stay in your sandbox, but the good thing about Crestron, again, is that you can still step out of that sandbox and then grow your system.
Ron: Got it. Crestron Home, you're pumped about. You're digging it.
Rohan: It's cool. It's cool.
Ron: It's cool. It works. You're happy.
Rohan: If the clients are happy, we're all happy.
Ron: What else at Crestron? Give me a couple of other cool things that have you jazzed?
Rohan: Crestron has got to AV Over IP, so they have the NVX product line.
Ron: That's different than digital media? I remember when I left Crestron in '07 or '08 or '09, they launched the DM product line.
Rohan: Yeah. NVX is Digital Media on steroids. Pretty much, you have endless endpoints.
Ron: Endless endpoints?
Rohan: Endless endpoints that have as many displays throughout the whole entire building as you want. Everything is over IP, so you can scale the job easily without being limited. We have 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, but now you go beyond that—way beyond it.
Ron: What's an application where you do that? I'm thinking houses maybe you're not pressed in a house. I know some of you are going to chat and go, "But my houses are really big." OK. I know there's the oddball ginormous house. Is it merely a commercial application primarily?
Rohan: I look at it as a commercial application. I've done houses with 28-30 TVs in a house, but for NVX, I could see that more in a commercial space because you have digital signage and all these displays all over a building, you can put all of that on an NVX. The client may want to add another floor to the building and add another ten displays. You don't have to go out and get a whole new system. You just add on to what you already have and expand on it.
Ron: That makes sense. That makes sense. All right, give me one more. I know there probably could be many and maybe dozens. What's one more type of tech from Crestron that has you excited right now?
Rohan: What has me excited as a custom programmer is HTML-5. It's allowing us to do more with our UI because we still are using the software that Crestron provides to do our UI. But now, with HTML-5, it's more web-based, and you could be as creative as you want to be. It actually simplifies programming in a way. It takes away a lot of the detail and programming that we were used to and allows us to again scale our projects faster and get it done a lot faster. For example, one UI creation could load all your touchscreen means no matter the size because it automatically scales.
Ron: Oh, wow. In the world of web site design, you know, you have what's called mobile responsive design, and I want to say that core is HTML-5. If anyone on my team is watching drop into the comments, confirm or deny that. I believe that the base of most mobile responsive web sites is HTML-5. It sounds like that's now transitioned or been adopted by Crestron for touch panel programming.
Rohan: Right. Imagine now we just created one UI, and we could just send it to every touchscreen in the home or remote. Now, if it's a 10-inch, we have to design for that one, design for the 7-inch, for the 5-inch, with HTML-5 that goes away.
Ron: Wow. Again the homeowner wins because now programming budgets should drop.
Rohan: Right. And that's fine.
Ron: That's fine. It seems like the homeowner would be happy, and if they're happy, then ultimately, and hopefully, that should be more projects for you.
Rohan: Yeah, I'm happy to get out quickly.
Ron: Yeah. Get onto the next job.
Rohan: Exactly. I don't have an issue with that. I'm looking forward to it.
Ron: I'm curious, do you think the Crestron Masters is going to be rescheduled?
Rohan: They say there's going to reschedule for fall.
Ron: You'll have to stay tuned, Rohan. I've got John Clancy coming on the show soon.
Rohan: John's my guy. We keep in touch.
Ron: John's a great leader over there of the residential business for sure.
Rohan: Watching him at Audio Command, that's what got me to want to learn how to code because I could watch him. He came in as a technician and learned how to code, while there became vice president, and now he's with Chris Voss.
Ron: Running the global residential business.
Rohan: Yes. So his story motivated me. He was the one who let me play with things to learn when I was there, so he was great.
Ron: I'll make sure I bring this interview up with him when I get to interview him in a couple of weeks. His story is an inspiring success story, for sure. When I met you, you were the Crestron ninja, and it sounds like you've done nothing but add to your Crestron black belt. What other technologies have you interested in or excited out there?
Rohan: I'm excited to learn more about energy automation.
Ron: Energy automation. We have Sarah Drescher, and she's with Sonnen. I'm assuming with energy automation you're referring to battery storage in the home?
Rohan: Yes, that's exactly what I'm referring to.
Ron: Educate our audience what is energy automation, or why would one put a battery in their home?
Rohan: Solar is like the first step. When the sun goes down, that energy goes nowhere. You take that energy from the solar panel to your battery, and now you're not wasting energy anymore. The energy is being backed up in case of any kind of emergency, and the grid goes down day or night, you have that backup. But with energy automation, it's not just giving you power; it's giving you more control. With Sonnen, they integrate that with a Crestron or Control4. Now you could take that and make things happen in the home. If your home and you want to watch TV, but there's nothing there's no power in the grid, you could tell the system, "Hey I still want to watch TV, keep my fridge on but shut everything else down," to preserve that battery to last as long as I need it. And they do these things automatically.
Ron: You're excited about it. Where is it at right now in your business onramp? Are you starting to talk about it publicly, or are you starting to talk to the design community, or are you talking to homeowners? And if so, what are their responses?
Rohan: All of the above. I'm talking to homeowners, and I'm talking to builders about it. It's new to them, so they're not sure about it. It's my job to just kind of educate them on what it is and what it does for them going forward in the future. There's a plant in Tucker, Georgia, so I invite them there to see it all in action.
Ron: Have you taken anyone over there for any tours yet?
Rohan: Not yet, but I've invited some people down, just waiting for that to happen.
Ron: Waiting for the social distancing rules to relax?
Rohan: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Ron: Sarah posted a comment. She says, "Glad to see you're safe and healthy, Rohan. As a manufacturer, we're seeing pauses in projects across the board, and it looks like permitting is one of the biggest challenges." Even if the homeowner, for example, wants the tech, even if they agree to buy it - it sounds like you still got to get things passed through local city offices. And if they're shut down, how do you get a permit?
Rohan: Yeah, exactly. We're all in challenging times right now.
Ron: Yeah, it is interesting. Have you managed to get one installed yet, or are you still on your onramp?
"People are just learning about this technology. It's something that's a high-end product, not cheap, but it's very beneficial."
Rohan: Still on my onramp. I think it's going to take some time. As I said, people are just learning about this technology. It's something that's a high-end product, not cheap, but it's very beneficial. I'll see once people really start to learn about it, I see that becoming very popular.
Ron: I know that in particular with Sonnen, they're working with Troy Morgan and his team out of Texas with the ADAPT energy product.
Rohan: Very cool stuff he is doing.
Ron: Are you working with him as well and his team?
Rohan: Yeah, I talked to Troy in the beginning. He's the one that told me about it and then Troy before he started doing these demos on Facebook, he actually showed me his home and how it works.
Ron: You're saying you saw it before the rest of the world?
Rohan: Yeah. Troy gave me an inside peek on it. That's when I was hooked. I was like, "Yeah, I could see this becoming big in the future," so he's doing some cool things out there with Sonnen, energy period.
Ron: Yeah, I agree. Troy's on the front edge of this topic for sure. And it's cool. I'm hearing more and more integrators talk about designing energy and energy solutions, which I think that the customer's benefit and our planet benefits.
Rohan: Clean energy.
"I think everybody wins when this technology is adopted. It's just going to require people to learn and get educated about it and designing ways to implement that into their business model."
Ron: There are wins to go all the way around. I think everybody wins when this technology is adopted. It's just going to require people to learn and get educated about it and designing ways to implement that into their business model.
Rohan: It'll take off.
Ron: It'll take off. I agree. All right. What's something else you're jazzed about out there? We all could use good news. We're all like watching the news and hearing doom and gloom. Tell us some other tech that has you excited?
Rohan: Interestingly, I've gone into the landscape lighting thing.
Ron: Landscape lighting. OK. What manufacturer(s) are you getting excited about?
Rohan: I like the home technology aspect. HOLM has a product that is RGBW that has thirty-thousand colors built into the unit. You can get it standard or get it with a color-changing technology. You can actually have clients create things for like Christmas holiday-themed landscape lights or business colors. The cool thing about it is that it automates with our control system. With Crestron, Control4, Savant - you can integrate this into your system and then control it with your Crestron and create schedules. It's not like your landscape lights from back in the day, where you just turn them on and off. Now you get to play around with some colors and high-end powers, so it looks pretty good. I'm actually designing one right now for a client.
Ron: You're now an authorized reseller for this brand?
Rohan: Right. They have a lot of cool fixtures, different styles, different colors that the clients can choose from.
Ron: Cool. All right, guys. You heard it here first. What's another brand that has you jazzed or technology?
Rohan: I like 2N, and I use it for two reasons.
Ron: What are you doing here with this company?
Rohan: For residential, we use it like you will use a Ring. It integrates flawlessly with Crestron. For your front door you get the doorbell you get the intercom it'll call your touch screen you get to see who's there. Even if you're not at home, it'll call you. There's an app for it, separate on its own. If you're in Japan or wherever you will get that call, just like you will would a Ring. It's just a more high-end product that's integration-friendly.
Ron: It's attractive, it's good looking gear.
Rohan: Yes, so it's got a recessed version or flush mount, you've got the black and chrome, and they also make active control products. What I like about it is its open API. I can talk to it with a Crestron system and do different things, notifications.
Ron: Got it. That's very cool. Believe it or not, we've been going for almost 40 45 minutes here.
Rohan: Already? Where did the time go? I thought we just started!
Ron: I warned you when we go live all of a sudden you'll blink and you'll go on a time machine and time. Time will pass quickly here.
Rohan: If you're an integrator that needs some help, just reach out. I'm always helping other people up that need help. I'm here.
Ron: Awesome, it's been a pleasure to reconnect my friend and to have you on the show. I appreciate you sharing.
Rohan: No problem. Thank you for having me.
Educator and industry pro, Rohan Dunbar, Owner of Digital Lifestyle Solutions, shares his perspective on making it through the other side of a crisis and ways he's keeping his business afloat during these difficult times.
Ron Callis is the CEO of One Firefly, LLC, a digital marketing agency based out of South Florida and creator of Automation Unplugged. Founded in 2007, One Firefly has quickly became the leading marketing firm specializing within the integrated technology and security space. The One Firefly team work hard to create innovative solutions to help Integrators boost their online presence, such as the elite website solution, Mercury Pro.
Resources and links from the interview:
- Crestron Home
- Being a CSP, Crestron Service Provider
- Crestron DMX AV Over IP
- Crestron Masters Event 2020
- sonnen for energy automation
- Holm RGBW lighting solutions
- 2N USA for IP Intercoms
More Automation Unplugged:
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