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Case Study


Firing on All Cylinders: Wipliance Dominates Turbulent Times with Integrated Marketing Strategy

In 2006, Wipliance etched their mark in the custom integration industry and started driving growth with a focus on consistent marketing efforts. But as their business expanded, they wanted to take marketing strategies to the next level. Wipliance wanted an industry-leading online presence and marketing strategy that matched the vigor of their business goals.

After meeting One Firefly at a 2018 ProSource event, Wipliance entrusted One Firefly to design a custom-built and SEO-configured website that better told their story and proudly showcased their award-winning services and projects. Following this success, Wipliance continued to work with One Firefly to build what is now a powerful arsenal of integrated digital marketing strategies that continue to push Wipliance to the forefront of their core markets and help their business grow.


Increase in live chat lead generation


Increase in Facebook reach


Increase in monthly Google organic search traffic

About Wipliance

Wipliance is a full-service technology integrator serving the Bellevue, WA and Scottsdale, AZ areas. The award-winning company specializes in custom home and commercial technology solutions, including smart lighting control, motorized window treatments, home theater installation, and total technology integration. Wipliance is dedicated to creating customized technology solutions that are easy to use and enjoyable to own. From consultation to design, installation, and ongoing support, Wipliance works with you every step of the way to deliver curated solutions that work for your unique lifestyle.

Phase One: In Need of a Fresh Online Presence

As one of the few custom integrators in North America with a demonstrated history of creating stunning project showcase videos, Wipliance desired a platform that could beautifully present their cutting-edge content to the world. Wipliance owner and founder Lee Travis also was concerned about ensuring their new website would feature fast load times, which can often be an issue with websites that feature video content. To coincide with their standout video library, Wipliance also sought fresh and high performing SEO-configured messaging that would be used to expand their already-high-performing search engine presence and help define their brand and services.



Implemented Solutions

One Firefly built from scratch a customized website and developed original SEO-configured copy for each webpage. After a successful site launch, Wipliance soon signed on for One Firefly’s digital marketing services to further position themselves as market leaders and increase traffic to their website with the goal of improved brand recognition and lead generation.

Custom-Built Website

The Wipliance website offers a unique and exciting experience for the visitor with high-definition video on virtually every page, rich industry-specific photo galleries, and engaging SEO-configured copy that establishes Wipliance as an industry expert. Designed for optimal mobile experience, the Wipliance website is also loaded with effective Calls to Action, social media integrations, and custom monthly-built landing pages. In addition, the website’s open-source content management system framework from Joomla allows the Wipliance team to make in-house edits and site modifications as they see fit without reliance on One Firefly. From start to finish, their website truly celebrates the Wipliance story.


“We had a CMS, but it was outdated, not easy to manage, and did not allow for creativity. We now have the capability to build beautiful, interesting (and most importantly, SEO-optimized) pages ourselves, so our website is always growing.”

Melissa Mitchell, Marketing Manager, Wipliance

Digital Marketing Services

Armed with a new website, Wipliance invested in One Firefly digital marketing services to take their online presence to the next level, with goals of increasing organic traffic flow, improving their social media presence and ultimately generating more leads. Wipliance’s digital marketing strategy consisted of SEO-configured monthly blogs, a monthly e-newsletter to clients and trade partners, consistent Facebook and LinkedIn page posts, Facebook advertising, online review management and 7-day-a-week manned live chat. Wipliance saw so much success with One Firefly digital marketing services in 2018 that they upgraded to an even more expansive and proactive marketing scope in 2019.


Lead Concierge

To effectively capture incoming leads, Wipliance signed on for One Firefly’s award-winning live chat service Lead Concierge in 2018. Manned in real-time by industry-experienced professionals on the One Firefly team, Lead Concierge helps Wipliance capture leads quicker, speed up customer service, and increase their bottom line.


Wipliance saw significant growth in their online presence in the years 2018 and 2019 after partnering with One Firefly. By the end of 2019, their strategically defined target SEO keyphrases were up 2,249 spots on Google, and their average monthly organic search traffic had increased by 63%. Additionally, Wipliance’s Facebook page likes grew by 10% from increased organic activity driven by strategic social media campaigns and ongoing digital marketing efforts.

While their numbers were improving steadily by the end of 2019, it would be their integration of One Firefly’s Search Engine Marketing service in 2020 that took Wipliance’s growth in online presence, lead generation, and sales to exponential numbers.

Phase Two: Marketing In Uncertain Times

In late 2019, Lee Travis approached the One Firefly team about designing and deploying a strategy that would enable faster growth in their secondary location of Scottsdale, AZ. Upon evaluation of all available tools and resources One Firefly could offer the Wipliance team, we proposed a Google Advertising strategy as likely best to enable immediate online impressions from local searches in their desired target markets and most likely to generate expedited leads.

But little did we know what was lurking -- the oncoming COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 introduced many challenges for custom integrators and other businesses, forcing companies to re-evaluate and reduce expenses to stay operable. Wipliance, for example, was forced to close field operations in its Seattle market for two months during the spring, by state mandate. While some integrators paused, downsized, or eliminated their marketing efforts, Wipliance -- understanding the immense value of maintaining a strong online presence -- actually increased their scope.

Implemented Solutions

One Firefly continued development of Wipliance’s Google Advertising campaigns and launched the Scottsdale campaigns in early May 2020. Immediately within the first 30 days of launch, the ads started to yield impressive clickthrough rates and lead generation. Quick decision making from Lee Travis and his marketing manager, Melissa Mitchell, resulted in an expansion of the Wipliance social media strategy and a redesign of their monthly email newsletter with the goal of gaining better customer and trade partner engagement. Even amidst a turblent period, Wipliance continued its commitment to work toward being an industry leader in marketing efforts. The good news is the investment has resulted in unprecedented growth.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

One Firefly’s SEM service is a comprehensive solution comprising custom Google Search Ads campaigns and landing page creation and optimization designed to increase conversions and deliver positive return on investment. A powerful addition to Wipliance’s existing organic marketing efforts, SEM is the catalyst that has helped increase their performance across all digital marketing channels, putting Wipliance vastly ahead of local competitors in key search results positions for target keywords such as lighting control, custom shading and home automation. In fact, Wipliance now dominates Page 1 of Google paid search results, organic search results, and Google My Business results for targeted keyphrases. The positive result of Wipliance’s initial investment in the Scottsdale market further inspired them to add Google Advertising for its Seattle core market in early summer 2020.

As we had spent several years adding content to our website to boost our organic results, an added layer of paid promotion has increased the return on this organic content investment. … We have seen a steady increase in views on our website, live chat engagements and contact submissions as well as phone calls that were a direct result of the Google ad campaign.”

Melissa Mitchell, Marketing Manager, Wipliance

Social Media Expansion

In an effort to expand their existing social media marketing efforts, Wipliance added three weekly Instagram posts to their campaign, which feature a curated content, image, and hashtag strategy to target the right audience and steadily improve reach, engagement, and followers. A shared Slack channel between Melissa and the One Firefly team allows for daily collaboration on images, messaging and hashtag strategies.

Newsletter Revamp

To better promote their collection of engaging and educational video content and significant blog library, Wipliance worked with One Firefly and a third-party designer to revamp their e-newsletter template design. The upgraded newsletter, which launched in Q3 2020, was designed to increase click-through rates, direct more clients to their YouTube channel, and ultimately generate more leads from their existing email list.


In spite of the challenges 2020 posed, Wipliance ended the year with many marketing and sales wins worth celebrating.Their online presence grew significantly; from 2019 to 2020, their Google Search rankings increased by 65% and their average monthly organic search traffic grew 80%, with hundreds of monthly visitors from online searches.

Wipliance’s Instagram reach grew an impressive 234%, which resulted in a 23% increase in Instagram followers and a subsequent 25% increase in website clicks. Additionally, their Facebook reach grew 114% due to a renewed investment in video content and ad campaign strategy. After the launch of their revamped e-newsletter template, Wipliance saw a significant improvement in engagement, including their highest-ever clickthrough rate since signing on for One Firefly’s digital marketing services.

Most notably, lead generation has skyrocketed. In 2020, Wipliance’s live chat lead generation grew a staggering 688% compared to 2019. Three of the top sources from which these leads originated were Google organic search, Google Ads, and Google My Business, putting Wipliance at the forefront of total Google domination in their core markets. To round out the victory call, Wipliance saw several of these leads turn into sales.

Wipliance is truly firing on all cylinders. They saw the value in One Firefly from the beginning and have placed ongoing trust in our services. As a result, Wipliance has as robust of an online presence as it has ever had, and the future remains bright.


“No one in our industry should be using a generic marketing firm when they can get one that is industry-based but still has a personal focus on making our content custom for our audience. Not having to explain services we offer saves hours in content development.”

Melissa Mitchell, Marketing Manager, Wipliance