One Firefly Unveils Mercury Collection:
New Web Product for AV Professionals Offered with Monthly Payment Option
Firefly Creative, the full service marketing agency division of One Firefly, LLC, today announced its new website product, Mercury Collection, developed specifically for technology integrators. Firefly Creative has made it easier than ever for residential and commercial systems contractors to have a fully-loaded website packed with rich and engaging content that is focused on lifestyle and user experience.
Mercury Collection was created to enable home technology and commercial systems contractors to stand out from the competition to referrals and generate new leads via their websites. Calls-to-action and lead capture forms are intuitively embedded throughout. Content and design layouts strategically educate visitors and create engagement, encouraging them at the start of their customer journey to convert into a new lead.
Integrators differentiate by choosing from 3 design models (Aero, Halo or Postino), 25 styles, and over 40 pages of content. Firefly Creative’s pre-production team individually works with each client to ensure the website is personalized to represent an integrator’s brand.
Firefly Creative’s process for an integrator to get a new website is consultative with a few easy steps that result in a turn-around-time under 30 days. Two types of purchase plans are available: split payment upfront or 24 monthly payments. Price range for 3-page to 18-page websites are $2,000 to $9,000 USD or $100 to $500 USD per month for two years.
Mercury Collection utilizes mobile responsive design to create the best viewing experience for website visitors regardless of device type or size. The website automatically resizes based on the resolution of the screen such as a tablet or phone.
“50% of our client’s website traffic comes from mobile,” reports John Baskerville, Firefly Creative’s director of online solutions. “That data, along with general market indicators for continued increase in mobile browsing, makes the need for a responsive website paramount for technology integrators or any small business.”
Search engine optimization (SEO) for industry terms is included with Mercury Collection to increase web traffic. Industry SEO is built into the product architecture on the back-end and front-end making an integrator’s website more visible for Google to deliver in organic search results without compromising appeal to visitors once they land on a site.
“Mercury Collection grew out of the need for us to help our clients feel confident about sending referrals to their websites and to give them an effective way for capturing new leads,” said Ron Callis Jr., One Firefly CEO. “In addition, many integrators we work with aren’t in a financial position to invest in a new website even though they know they need one, so we created a monthly payment option to make it easy to launch their new site right away.”
To watch the Mercury Collection product introduction video and register for a 30-minute live demonstration via webinar visit www.firefly-cs.com/mercurycollection