Paid Advertising
In today’s competitive digital marketplace, paid advertising is a well-tested and effective strategy to create widespread brand awareness, direct your message to a larger audience, and drive valuable traffic and high-quality leads to your website.
Paid Advertising
In today’s competitive digital marketplace, paid advertising is a well-tested and effective strategy to create widespread brand awareness, direct your message to a larger audience, and drive valuable traffic and high-quality leads to your website and landing pages.
Advertising Strategies
Search engines like Google and social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and more get millions of visitors every day. A competitive marketing strategy will have you use targeted advertising to leverage the massive reach of these channels and boost your brand’s visibility and impact online.

Search Engine Marketing
Gain critical brand exposure and promote your services and message on search engines like Google and MSN. Calibrate and fine-tune your ads to an audience who’s searching for what you have to offer.

Social Media Advertising
Reach new prospects and engage people with your brand, services, and products on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Target ads to your ideal audience based on their behaviors, activities, and interests.

“Immediate ROI”
"When we launched our Google Ads campaign with One Firefly, one of the first leads received led to a $130k job and the second to another $110k project. So far, we've seen immediate ROI."

Wade Stephens, Founder & President
Devance AV Design

“We don’t have to explain our industry to One Firefly”
“It's important to find someone who understands our industry and our business, and that's what attracted me to One Firefly. That's important because you have to spend less time explaining what it is you do. I know we do that every day with our customers, but we don't want to have to do that with our marketing team.”

Wade Stephens, Founder & President
Devance AV Design