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Case Study

ResTech Systems


Restech systems achieves measurable online growth with digital marketing services

Content Marketing   |   Lead Concierge   |   Review Champ
“I wouldn’t have moved the needle how we’ve moved the needle without your team. That’s a true story.”
Daniel Woody
President, ResTech Systems

Shifting into the Fast Lane with Marketing

When Dan Woody discovered One Firefly, ResTech Systems was ready to be noticed. They wanted more engagement through the website and social, a refreshed image, and a dominating online presence that would put competitors on guard. And when Dan saw a case study about One Firefly through HTSA, he knew that he’d found the right agency to deliver on all those expectations and more. “This is a higher level,” Dan recalled after learning about One Firefly, “This is a group — a team — of people that can be my marketing department.”
At the end of 2020, ResTech Systems signed on for One Firefly’s digital marketing growth package for monthly blogging and e-newsletters, organic Facebook management, and Facebook ad campaigns. Additionally, ResTech added Lead Concierge — One Firefly’s manned chat service — to their website to engage with visitors and capture leads online. Finally, ResTech signed on for Review Champ to bolster their online presence and reputation with fresh reviews from happy clients.

Content Marketing

From December 2020 to November 2021, they achieved the following outcomes:
  • 95 ranking keywords on Google (up from 40 in Dec. 2020)
  • 60 ranking keywords on page one of Google (up from 22 in Dec. 2020)
  • 2,668 website visits from organic traffic
  • 84% increase in new website sessions from organic traffic
In February 2021, ResTech’s first blog article went live on their website. Since then, One Firefly has helped the ResTech team craft and publish high-quality blogs to build their online presence, educate potential new clients, and increase organic website traffic. They receive two blogs a month as part of their digital growth package.
The positive results speak for themselves. In just one year, ResTech Systems more than DOUBLED the number of keywords ranking on Google and TRIPLED the number of keywords ranking on page one.

Content Marketing

Social Media
Along with website content, One Firefly manages ResTech’s Facebook presence with weekly posts and ads as part of their digital growth package. Their Facebook page has seen a massive uptick in engagement since One Firefly started posting fresh and relevant content on a weekly basis.
Additionally, social media has become a top driver of traffic to the ResTech website, so much so that they upgraded their services to include Instagram and LinkedIn management beginning November 2021.
green circle background with statistics
+ 4,389 clicks to the website from Facebook ads
green circle background with statistics
+ 258 thousand impressions from Facebook ads

    Review Champ

    When they signed on with One Firefly services, ResTech purchased Review Champ to collect more client feedback online. Review Champ is an end-to-end reputation management solution that makes it easy for integrators to ask clients for reviews via a simple text invite. Once clients write a review, they can publish it directly to the ResTech website and popular sites like Google, Houzz, and Facebook. Good reviews not only demonstrate trustworthiness and credibility, but they can also improve a company’s local visibility on Google.

    From December 2020 to November 2021, ResTech has achieved excellent results from Review Champ:

    • + 23 total new reviews (up from 4 before adding Review Champ)
    • + 18 reviews with a five-star ranking
    • + 91% positivity rate from reviews
    “We have been with ResTech for more than a decade and have recently upgraded from our aging Crestron system to Savant. Throughout our relationship with ResTech they have always been responsive and helpful. I especially appreciate the consultative approach and professional attitude. The entire team has been a pleasure to do business with. I would highly recommend ResTech!” - Google Review
    “We have used several other home audio / video companies in the past. None compare to the superior service and support that we have gotten through Restech. Highly recommend.” - Google Review
    “Since we first used Restech we always appreciate their efforts to continue ongoing top notch service supporting our systems. Their scheduler is often able to give us tips to solve our problems and works hard to schedule us asap and their technicians are clearly experts in getting the job done.” - Google Review


    ResTech Systems has seen several notable impacts on the company’s growth since they entrusted their marketing to One Firefly. According to Dan Woody, the phone has been ringing more, web conversions are trending upward, and other integrators in the area are viewing the ResTech website to size up the competition. As he told the One Firefly team, “I see it by conversions, and I see it about followers, and I see it about more awareness of who we are.”
    On top of that, ResTech directly attributes at least five closed sales to One Firefly’s marketing efforts – and this number continues to grow.

    The Power of Teamwork: Let's Move the Needle Forward Together

    For Dan Woody, One Firefly’s team-oriented approach to marketing is just as valuable a service as everything else. In fact, the collaboration amongst the One Firefly team — “the synergy” as he says — is what captivated him from the beginning.

    Dan finds tremendous value in the consultative approach One Firefly takes to finding the right programs for his business, and he views the monthly meeting with his dedicated account manager as vital for the success of ResTech’s campaigns. “It’s critical to keep the vision alive and healthy,” he says. For Dan, marketing is a constant work in progress that benefits from a meeting of minds to discuss new ideas, explore opportunities for growth, and adapt when necessary. “It’s important to be able to stop, turn, adjust,” he says about his ongoing campaigns. The collaboration, open lines of communication, and unified vision are the qualities Dan values the most from his partnership with One Firefly.

    Dan's Advice for Residential Integrators

    Start right away! That’s Dan’s first piece of advice for residential integrators who haven’t taken the initial step toward marketing yet. His second piece of advice is to set up a consultation with the One Firefly team. Dan has seen the value of working with an experienced agency like One Firefly from the beginning, and he wants his fellow integrators to find the same success that he’s had.

    Watch A Few Clips From Dan's Full Interview

    What Goals Did You Have For Your Marketing When You Started Working With One Firefly?
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