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Service Level Agreement

Website Change Policy

Evaluation and Acceptance

a. Revisions: The review and approval phase is capped at 60 days. If you are engaged with our team and providing feedback in a timely manner, it is very likely that we would complete this phase well ahead of 60 days. Nonetheless, we have placed a 60 day cap on this phase to ensure the momentum of projects stays on a forward moving trajectory towards completion.

a.1.) Should you submit all revisions and edits within the 60 day timeframe, we commit to delivering an updated draft of site within 5 business days (unless such revisions require efforts that would exceed the timeframe, in which case we will inform you of the appropriate ETAs).

a.2.) If you are unable to submit all requests within that time period, you will then receive updated drafts of the site within 30 business days.

b. Modification Time: Client’s website order comes with a fixed time (at the sum equivalent of 1 hour per page) to satisfy requested modifications: i.e., a 12 page website will include 12 hours of Modification Time. If this time allotment is exceeded, client will be billed in 6 minute increments at a rate of $150 USD/hr.

c. Web Development Customization Change Time: Client’s website order comes with an assigned allocation of time (at the sum equivalent of 10 minutes per page) built into the project to satisfy requested customizations: i.e., a 12 page website will include 2 hours (120 minutes) of Web Development Change Time. When this time allotment is exceeded, client will be billed in 6 minute increments at a rate of $150 USD/hr. Unused Web Development Change Time is considered exhausted once the project has been approved by Client; the balance of the project’s Web Development Change Time does not carry over for work requests after the project is approved. A complete definition of our Website Change Policy are below.

d. Inactive Status: To ensure the success of a new website project, active feedback and collaboration is necessary to ensure timely project completion and overall client happiness. For this reason, One Firefly aims to complete the website Review and Approval process within 30 days of sending over a first draft. In infrequent cases, a client may not provide any feedback on their website project for more than 90 days. In these scenarios One Firefly will make every attempt to contact the client on a weekly basis including but not limited to the following methods:

  • Basecamp
  • Direct email
  • Zoho email
  • Phone Call
  • Cell Phone Call
  • Text message/WhatsApp
  • Social media inbox message

If One Firefly is unsuccessful in reaching the client and gathering actionable feedback for more than 90 days, the client will be placed in the INACTIVE status. This will incur the following consequences:

  • Less frequent reminders about your open website project
  • A $500 “shelving” fee to restart your project upon re-engagement
  • Extended revision lead times once project has been restarted based on the current production pipeline

A client may be removed from the INACTIVE status at any time by scheduling a follow up call with their salesperson or web designer.

Website Change Policy

Terms and Conditions

The following represents our Change Policy Terms and Conditions. Most content on the website can be changed at Client request. Changes are considered either Modifications or Customizations (and in some cases, additions to Scope of Work). The areas of your website that are available for change are listed below…
1. Change Items*

1.1 Slideshows Image
1.2 Content Image
1.3 Gallery Image
1.4 Copy
1.5 Video Embed Standard
1.6 Video Embed Lightbox
1.7 Online Form
1.8 Color Scheme

 *Change items do not represent “Add-ons” which are additions that can be made to a project at unit prices; i.e. additional Products Module, additional Gallery, etc…
2. Definitions:

2.1 Firm: One Firefly; d.b.a. One Firefly

2.2 Client: Website Customer

2.3 The "Site” or “Website”: A series of linked Web pages under common control and developed by Developer for Client under this Agreement.

2.4 Client Content: All data, code, trademarks and copyrighted content provided by Client for use by Developer on the Site.

2.5 Developer Content: All data, code, trade secrets, patents, designs, drawings, text created by Developer for use on the Site, including any modifications or enhancements provided by Developer.

2.6 Site Copy: The comprehensive language, in text format, that will appear throughout the various content areas of the site.

2.7 SOW: Scope of Work of the project.

2.8 Working Days: The Firm’s calendar days of operation.

2.9 Design Models: The pre-developed website design options representative of the Mercury Collection.

2.10 Revisions: Any changes made to the project, in most cases requested by Client.

2.10.1 Modifications: Changes that can be made within a defined scope and process guidelines for the change item.

2.10.2 Customizations: Changes that fall outside of the defined Modifications process and guidelines, and require a non-standard approach for satisfying a given request.

2.10.3 Corrections: Updates and fixes that are required for proper functionality of the website, that are of no fault of client, and incumbent upon Firm to resolve at no fee to the Client

2.11 Revision Change Time: The time is takes to implement requested revisions.

2.12 Web Development Change Time: The allocated time with website order to satisfy revisions not covered within project SOW.

2.13 Web Development Customization Change Time: Included time with website order at no additional charge is 10 min per page. For example a 12 page website will include 2 hours (120 minutes) of Customization Change Time. When this time allotment is exceeded, client will be billed in 6 minute increments at a rate of $150/hr.

2.14 Copywriting Customization Change Time: Not Included with website order. When this time is requested, the client will be billed in 30 minute increments at a rate of $100/hr.

2.15 Website Module: Any content section that contains images, copy, or dynamic/interactive content (Slideshows, Galleries, Google Maps, Video, etc…)

2.16 Slideshows Image: Images that rotate within a website module/widget.

2.17 Content Image: Any image found on the website that is not a slideshow or gallery.

2.18 Gallery Image: A collection of images that are organized and presented as clickable thumbnails with Lightbox functionality.

2.19 Copy: Written language; any editable text on a website.

2.20 Video Embed Standard: Video that is coded into a webpage via an iframe source code and served from a streaming service provider; YouTube, Vimeo, etc…. These videos play directly on a webpage as it.

2.21 Video Embed Lightbox: Video that is coded onto a webpage a served in a popup lightbox from a streaming service provider; YouTube, Vimeo, etc….

2.22 Video Cover Thumbnail: A static image captured from a video to represent a still-frame teaser for the video.

2.23 Online Form: A component coded into a webpage to allow for visitor data to be submitted and captured.

2.24 Color Scheme: The major color features of a design layout, which consist of a Primary and Secondary color to represent or best match a company brand/identity.

3. Slideshow
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of the Slideshow Website Module.

3.1 Modifications:
Client can change each Slideshow Website Module (partially meaning one or some images, or completely meaning all images) embedded in website 1st draft one time via either of these methods for no additional charge:

3.1.2 A new image is selected from the Firm Slideshow Library to replace one of the template images. Client can replace any template with any gallery image.

3.1.3 A new image is provided by Client in the proper format (dimensions, resolution, and file type.) and firm embeds into existing slideshow
3.2 Customization:
Additional changes requested that fall outside of the defined modification listed above will be billed per rate listed for Web Development Customization Change Time. Examples include:
3.2.1 example
3.2.2 example

4. Content Image
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of the general Content Images embedded in the website 1st draft.

4.1 Modifications:
Client can change any general Content Image embedded in website 1st draft one time via either of these methods for no additional charge:
4.1.1 Select a new image from the Firm Library
4.1.2 Provide a new image in the proper format (dimensions, resolution, and file type)

*additional changes will be considered customizations and time tracked and billed as defined below.
4.2 Customization Examples:
Examples of additional changes requested that fall outside of the defined modification listed above include:
4.2.1 example
4.2.2 example

5. Gallery Image
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of the Gallery Images.

5.1 Modifications:
Client can change each Gallery (partially meaning one or some images, or completely meaning all images) embedded in website 1st draft one time via either of these methods for no additional charge:
5.1.1 A new image is selected from the Firm Slideshow Library
5.1.2 A new image is provided to Firm in the proper format (dimensions, resolution, and file type.)
5.2 Customization:
Additional changes requested that fall outside of the defined modification listed above will be billed per rate listed for Web Development Customization Change Time. Examples include:
5.1.3 example
5.1.2 example

6. Copy
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of Copy

6.1 Modifications:
Any copy (language) on the website 1st draft can be changed one time at no fee under the following conditions.
6.1.1 Client provides new copy to Firm in an editable Word Document file (PDFs, JPEGS are not accepted formats).
6.2 Customization:
 Client can commission Firm to author copy at our standard Copywriting services fee per rate listed above for Copywriting Customization Change Time.
6.2.1 Copy requests that require web page layout changes will be billed per rate listed above for Web Development Customization Change Time

7. Video Embed - Standard
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of Video Embed - Standard

7.1 Modifications:
Any Standard Video Embed on the website 1st draft can be changed one time at no fee under the following conditions.

7.1.1 A new video is selected from the Firm Video Library
7.1.2 A new video is provided to Firm. Video needs to be hosted on a streaming service provider (YouTube, Vimeo, etc…), and a link to the video must be provided.
7.2 Customizations:
7.2.1 Customizations do not apply for this Change Item. Videos are embedded ”as is.”

8. Video Embed - Lightbox
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of Video Embed - Lightboxes

8.1 Modifications:
A Video Embed Lightbox on the website 1st draft can be changed one time at no fee under the following conditions:
8.1.1 A new video is selected from the Firm Video Library
8.1.2 A new video is provided to Firm. Video needs to be hosted on a streaming service provider (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.,) and a link to the video must be provided.
8.1.3 Cover Thumbnail for a new video will be selected and created by Firm or Client can provide a different cover to Firm in the proper format (dimensions, resolution, and file type).
8.2 Customization:
Additional changes requested that fall outside of the defined modification listed above will be billed per rate listed for Web Development Customization Change Time. Examples include:
8.2.1 example
8.2.2 Client requires Firm to recreate the cover thumbnail

9. Online Forms
The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of Online Forms.

9.1 Modifications:
An Online Form on the website 1st draft can be changed one time at no fee under the following conditions:
9.1.1 Add admin recipient
9.1.2 Change user email confirmation message
9.1.3 Change the title name of the form
9.1.4 Change which form fields are required
9.2 Customization:
Additional changes requested that fall outside of the defined modification listed above will be billed per rate listed for Web Development Customization Change Time. Examples include:
9.1.1 Add new form field
9.1.2 more examples...

10. Color Scheme
Beyond the given style/color options for a Design Model, client can choose to modify a Primary and Secondary color option for their website. The following represent the conditions for Modification and Customization of Color Schemes.

10.1 Modifications:
The following Colors on the website 1st draft can be changed one time at no fee:
10.1.1 Button Color
10.1.2 Link Color
10.1.3 Footer Color
10.1.4 Toolbar Color
10.1.5 Hover Color
10.1.6 Module Background Color

 Any changes to the aforementioned colors will be completed under the following conditions:
10.1.7 A new color is selected by the Firm.
10.1.8 Firm selects a new color based on example provided by Client.
10.1.9 A new color RGB property is provided to Firm.

11. Change Items Not Listed
Additional change items requested that fall outside of the defined modifications listed above will be subject to terms for Web Development Customization Change Time.