By Sales and Operations on Monday, 04 April 2016
Category: One Firefly Blog

3 Techniques To Help Manage Projects More Efficiently

Much of the work that technology integrators implement is project-based in nature. Between your initial meeting with a client, to receiving the final sign-off on the project, a lot has to happen. Without a proper project methodology firmly in place, the risk of a project spiraling out of control (and thus the loss of any profits associated with the project) is all too possible. Here are several project management tips to help you complete jobs more efficiently and profitably:

1) Clearly Define the Project Scope

“This isn’t what I paid for.” – A phrase you never, ever want to hear from a client. To best avoid these kinds of situations, it is necessary to establish a common understanding by clearly defining the project scope using precisely detailed language. It’s simply not enough to “take a client’s word for it”, particularly when you are dealing with projects that are routinely over tens of thousands of dollars. Obtaining a customer’s sign off on a detailed project scope before beginning the project will serve as a protective measure and will help you control the project accordingly.

2) Plan for Change

What happens if your client changes their mind about what he or she wants out of the project? What happens if your production staff are suddenly unable to complete the project by the agreed upon deadline? Rarely does any single project go exactly according to plan.. but that’s OK, provided you have planned ahead for the inevitable. In short, you need to anticipate that a change to the project (whether it’s the project scope, schedule or costs) to going to happen at some point. The best way to deal with change is to have clearly defined contingency plans developed that can address these proposed changes in an efficient, methodical fashion.

3) Utilize Quality Assurance

The quality of the service and product that your organization provides is of the upmost importance if you are to create a growing, profitable business. Many technology integrators often perform quality control techniques that seek to determine the quality of the project’s output or final deliverable. Another often overlooked technique to consider, however, is implementing quality assurance practices throughout the project’s lifetime. Unlike quality control, quality assurance is proactive and is performed throughout the project itself with the goal of preventing delays, defects or customer dissatisfaction. Examples of quality assurance can include process checklists, project audits and standards development.

All projects need to have the right team members in place to deliver the best possible outcome for your business and your clients. When it comes to finding the right team to build your online presence or to effectively market yourself online, One Firefly has you covered. Contact us today to get started.

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