By One Firefly Team on Thursday, 06 April 2017
Category: One Firefly Blog

Do You Need To Improve Your Marketing Strategy?

Find Out If A New Marketing Initiative Is Right For Your Company

Custom integrators are experts at making technology work seamlessly and effectively in homes and businesses, but let’s face it: they’re typically not experts at marketing. And that’s okay. Because of this, many technology professionals simply don’t know if they’re on the right track with their marketing strategy or not.

Every company is different, and the easiest way to find out if you’re doing the right things is to give us a call. For more general advice, here are some questions to help you decide if your strategy for improving your online presence and increasing business needs some refinement.

Do You Have A Website?

It’s 2017. There is no excuse for not having a website by now. Even if you operate 100% on referrals alone, we’ll bet a very high percentage of those referrals try to do some basic research about your company before agreeing to start a project. Having some sort of website is absolutely essential. If your answer to “do you have a website” is no, then we can say definitively that yes, it’s time to come up with a better marketing strategy. Give us a call.

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Having a website is a good first step, but if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, there are a few things you should know. First, know that Google recently changed their search ranking algorithm to start penalizing websites that aren’t mobile-friendly. That means that Google will rank mobile-friendly websites (including your competitors) above yours, no matter how much engaging content you have on it. Second, keep in mind that mobile browsing is a huge percentage of traffic to your website. If your website isn’t easy to read or navigate on a mobile device, those website visitors are going to leave as soon as they arrive.

Can New Customers Find You Online?

Okay, so you have a mobile-friendly website—Awesome! But the most beautiful and user-friendly website in the world won’t be much good if nobody knows about it. That’s why your website needs to be optimized for search engines.

If you’re not sure how well you’re showing up on Google, do this quick test. Go to Google and enter a common service or solution that you offer, followed by one of the cities where you’d like to get more customers. So if you’re a home automation integrator in the Seattle, Washington area, search “home automation Seattle, WA” and see which results come up. About half of all people are going to click one of the top three organic search results. Other people will scroll down further, but if you’re on the third or fourth page of results, you’re going to get very little organic traffic.

If New Customers Find Your Website, Do They Stick Around?

Website traffic by itself is not an indicator of marketing success. It’s more important that the people who visit your website actually stay for more than 30 seconds to read the content that you have and then hopefully decide to contact you, either through one of the contact forms on the page, by finding your phone number, or by engaging with a live chat representative.

If you have a Google Analytics account, you can find out how long people are spending on your page by looking at several metrics, but an important one is the bounce rate. A high bounce rate means that as soon as someone visits your website, they leave (or “bounce”). That’s not something you want. There are many factors that can affect bounce rate, such as low quality content, poor branding, or an outdated look. To find out the likely causes of high bounce rate for your specific website, give us a call.

SEE ALSO: Top 5 KPIs to Watch in Google Analytics [A Beginner's Guide]

Does Your Marketing Match Your Business Goals?

So maybe you have a website full of engaging, fresh content, you keep your social media platforms up to date, and you’ve optimized your online presence to show up in search engines. Are you finished? Is that the pinnacle of all that marketing has to offer? You could stop there, but the bigger question is this: are you satisfied with where your company is at?

Your marketing efforts need to be forward-thinking. Your plans shouldn’t be centered on where your company is now, but rather where you want it to be six months or a year from now. And if you want to be doing more business, offering new products, or doing work in more locations, your marketing strategy needs to reflect that.

We hope this quick overview has helped you discover if your company is in need of a new marketing strategy. To get some more information on how One Firefly can help your integration business start a successful marketing initiative, please give us a call or click the live chat button below to speak to one of our team members.

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