By One Firefly Team on Friday, 07 May 2021
Category: One Firefly Blog

Google Ads: Why Now?

Industry Leading SEM Services Now Available To ALL Integrators

SEM or search engine marketing involves driving traffic to your website by paying for ad space on search engine platforms such as Google. Using SEM, you are paying Google to show up in front of your competition when those highly targeted customers are searching for your services or products. You can even pay to show up whenever someone searches for your competitor’s business name!

SEE MORE: Can Your Business Benefit From an SEM Campaign?

Why now? One Firefly decided to offer these highly requested services to our existing customers in Spring of 2020. We are proud to have now extended our SEM services to all businesses in the industry! Our team can help all integrators increase foot traffic to their business, dominate page results in one search, and drive leads in specific categories and markets.

One Firefly's SEM services are unparalleled and include a dedicated Account Manager, custom landing pages using Google tag manager for attribution, live chat engagement on that landing page, call tracking, actually recording the phone calls incoming to verify leads, active AB testing, and optimization, 24-hour reporting, and monthly performance reviews. Check out the video below to learn more on SEM with One Firefly by clicking play or previewing the transcription.



Hi there, Ron Callis, CEO and Founder here at One Firefly. I'm going to talk to you for the next few minutes about why we have added SEM search engine marketing, also known as Google Ads Management, to the One Firefly portfolio of services. My background in this industry goes back to 2000. I actually have worked with Lutron Electronics. I also worked with Crestron Electronics. Over the last 20 years, I've worked with thousands of integrators, and I've had the pleasure to understand a lot of the trials and tribulations of running a small business, my own business included. I've been able to gain the perspective as to different marketing strategies and where they fit into the overall equation of your business growth. At One Firefly, we are an award-winning marketing agency. I founded the business back in 2007. We've been on a meteoric rise ever since. If you look at our team, it is ever-growing. I know this says 50 plus. We actually have 55 team members on staff now at One Firefly.

In fact, back in 2020, we gained Inc 5000 status, and this year, 2021 will be our sixth year in a row of 30 percent-plus growth. It's very exciting to have all of these skill sets, all of these capabilities under one roof leveraged to help you, the integrator. Today, April 2021, we are managing just around 500 integrator's day-to-day marketing. That is, integrators throughout the United States, throughout Canada, and a few spackled around the world actually just recently picked up our first client in Australia. We are actively helping integrators grow their business. We have also built many hundreds of websites. Our Mercury Pro website product launch in the summer of 2019 is really setting the industry on fire and is a beautiful product that's worth checking out now.

Why Google Ads? Why right now? We practice integrated marketing, so just as you are an integrator, we also integrate. There are some very necessary and relevant reasons why we needed to add Google advertising to our mix. First of all, many of you have businesses where you would benefit from driving foot traffic. What makes Google Ads very interesting is that you can design keyword strategies. You are able to put money into your budgets. If you want, if the action that you desire is to drive people into your place of business, you can do that with Google advertising. All you have to do right now is go to your Google browser and type in a type of product or service you might be interested in. You'll see right there at the top of the screen or the bottom of the screen ads and, in fact, will say the word ad that people are businesses are paying for to have their ad presented to you, the person that is typing the query and searching. If you want that foot traffic, Google Ads are very interesting. Additionally, you have the opportunity as a business operator to dominate page one results in search.

I know many of you are going to tell me you get your work through referral. My question to you is, when that person that has been referred to you remember, they don't know you yet. If they go to Google and type in a search query, do you currently dominate page one? For a long time, One Firefly has been the leader in search engine optimization. That is the performance below the ads. Now we want to help you both dominate the ad position and dominate the organic results. You are clearly and overwhelmingly the best choice for that person to make contact with and ultimately do business with. Also, what makes SEM very interesting is it is a faucet. You can turn the faucet on. You can drive leads. You can drive them within specific categories. You can drive them to new markets. If the cup runneth over with leads or business opportunities, you can turn it off. I liken it to a water faucet. You can open it or close it based on what your business needs.

Now, there's a very interesting bit of data out there, and this is actually what struck our curiosity about three years ago as we started down this path of adding Google Ads. If you correlate your SEO strategy, meaning how you want your business to show up on the Internet organically, and that is below or above the ads on page one of search. We started to hear rumors that if you were tying your Google Ad strategies into your SEO strategies, you saw SEO lift. Now that we are running many dozens of programs across the country for different integrators, we, in fact, are seeing those results. Not only are you getting significantly higher click-through traffic from the ads, but you also see better lift performance, better organic positioning, and clickthrough rates from your SEO, which is, of course, super interesting.

About a month ago, we sent out a survey. We always survey our clients as we're going down new paths. Sometimes that means we speed up and go faster in that direction. Sometimes the results say that, hey, let's not go down this avenue. Our customers don't need it. Well, for SEM, the results are super interesting, so we ask the question, "Do you currently use Google ads to drive lead generation or brand positioning for your business?" Only 25% of you said yes. Only 25%, 12% said not sure. Then 62% of you said no, not currently using Google Ads. For many of you, this will be a very interesting opportunity to investigate, to add to your marketing mix. Now, the next question we asked was, "In the past, have your experiences with Google advertising been positive or negative? Now, that said, only a very small subset of our customer base has even tried this. But for those that did say, it was positive. 53% said they had never used it, and 22% percent said it was negative.

Now, the next question we asked is, "If you've done Google advertising in the past, please select all the campaign features included." These were the elements that we discussed, dedicated Account Manager, custom landing pages using Google tag manager for attribution, live chat engagement on that landing page, call tracking, actually recording the phone calls incoming to verify their leads, active AB testing and optimization, 24-hour reporting, and monthly performance reviews. Would you believe no one, not one of our participating folks that responded to the survey, said they actually had done or been a participant with a marketing agency that was doing all of these? You can bet we are doing all of these things, so we know we're approaching this game differently. The future is very, very bright.

We already have tremendous results with our early adopting customers, and we are now opening this up very soon to all of the industry. My request is to stay tuned, follow us on email, and follow us on all the normal channels on social media. Next week, we're going to have another update for you. We have a lot of exciting information to share, Be well.

Ready to give SEM a shot for your technology contracting business? Give our team at One Firefly a call at 954-921-2393 or fill out our form to learn more!

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