By One Firefly Team on Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Category: One Firefly Blog

How To Earn Press With Your Winning Projects

Use Articles About Your Work as a Stepping Stone to Greater Publicity

Blogging about your services is a great way to inform your customers about who you are and what you offer, but there are other ways to market your company online to gain a following and expand your brand. Regularly posting fresh content on your blog helps your online presence and informs your audience, while earning publicity benefits you in a slightly different way. An online magazine, industry award announcements, manufacturer websites, or other online media coverage will help get your name recognized in the general public. Here are a few ways you can start getting more publicity online with your winning work.

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1. Show Off Your Winning Projects On Your Website

There are a few ways you can show your industry what you do – one is by telling them, and what better way to do that then by showing with examples. Some integrators might be deterred from posting their grandiose projects because their clients might have reservations about sharing their personal property with the general public. If you can work out arrangements with your clients, the truth is showing your work to potential customers and partners can be an effective way to demonstrate your credibility and excellence. If your projects have won any awards or received any industry recognition, posting those projects informs your audience of what you do, while at the same time celebrates your award-winning efforts. Achievements are celebrated in the automation industry, so take advantage of the opportunity to post your project photos and descriptions on your website. Here are some steps to take:

2. Actively Send Project Features To Local Media Outlets In The Form Of Press Releases Or Pitches

Once you have the photos and details outlined, you are ready to distribute the information to local media outlets for publicity. Make a list of the biggest newspapers, TV channels, and magazines – whether in print or online – and then send out a written press release or media pitch to each. Target editors who cover the topics of technology, interior design, or real estate. Another aspect to consider is what stories are trending that month. If you see a lot of articles on the growing housing market in your area, take advantage of that buzz-worthy topic and use it as an angle for your pitch. If one of the papers or stations bites, make sure you share the coverage with your followers. After the article has been published in a magazine, share it with everyone on Facebook, Twitter, and in your newsletter and on your website. The coverage will give you credibility with potential customers and investors.

We hope this blog was helpful. Did you learn any new ways of getting recognized in your local community for all of your achievements? If you need help with blogging or posting content on your website, please contact us. We can help you market your award-winning projects online for greater publicity.

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