By One Firefly Team on Thursday, 21 April 2022
Category: One Firefly Blog

One Firefly Presents: The Power Of Personalized Video

We’re weeks away from bringing our new industry-focused, turnkey video services solution to market

In 2022, video is the fastest growing and most effective channel for attracting and keeping the attention of your prospects and customers online. One study reports that 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. Furthermore, 84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

At One Firefly, we have a long history of producing and deploying professional, beautiful video content on our clients’ websites. And this year, we’re taking the next step in video marketing with a new, long-awaited product launch: personalized video production services. 

Within the next few weeks, we’ll be launching an industry-focused, turnkey video services solution to help technology companies easily fund, create, and obtain high-quality, unique video content of their teams, projects, and showrooms to display on their websites. We’re bringing the production and management of the entire process under one roof and will fully manage every step so that you don’t have to. 

Why personalized video? What value does it bring to you as an integrator? Keep reading to find out — or watch our video linked here!



SEE ALSO: 4 Powerful Ways to Use Video to Market Your Business

Video Is One Of The Most Effective Methods For Communicating Ideas

If a picture is worth 1000 words, a video is worth 1 million. In fact, according to a study by Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research (a global market research firm), a video is worth 1.8 million words, exactly. To put that number into perspective, a single video is as powerful as all seven Harry Potter books, which have approximately 1.08 million words combined. 

Compared to the written word and static images, video is an exponentially more effective, appealing, and engaging way to showcase your products, services, standout projects, team, and company culture to your online audience. Humans are highly visual, and multiple studies show that our brains retain more information when watching a video compared to reading text. 

Strategically placed videos on your website can help you connect with your audience, make a powerful impact, and remain top of mind with prospects long after they leave your site. 

Video Improves Online Audience Engagement

It takes online visitors only 50 milliseconds (that’s 1/20th of a second) to form a first impression of your website that determines whether they’ll stay or leave. Beautiful, professional, and eye-catching videos compel prospects to stay on your website longer and spend more time learning about your brand and services. 

Additionally, video content is more digestible and easier to understand at a glance. It’s an effective storyteller to retain the attention of web visitors seeking information about your company. 

Personalized Video Is A Brand Differentiator

Having personalized video gives you an advantage over your competitors because no one else in the industry will have the same video content. You’ll have the opportunity to showcase your unique brand, team, and company culture, empowering website visitors to feel confident and comfortable choosing the best customer-contractor fit.

Not only will personalized video be memorable to prospective customers, but it will help your company stand out and remain competitive among job seekers performing preliminary research.   

Video Can Be Leveraged Across Multiple Platforms 

Video is a flexible asset that can be leveraged across multiple platforms to help you reach prospects and customers no matter where they are online. Along with your website, including video with blogs, email newsletters, and social media posts is an effective way to garner more views and engagement on your content. 

In particular, video delivers exceptional value on social media platforms. Current market studies report that half of social media users prefer video over other types of content, and 93% of companies have acquired new customers through social media video. Additionally, social users are more likely to share video content over any other form of content online.     

Keep your eyes and ears tuned to our blog, social media platforms, and email over the next few weeks — we’ll be sending out more information about our new personalized video offerings, the name of the product, and how you can purchase this exclusive service.

Any questions about video (or digital marketing) in the meantime? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and schedule a chat with our team!

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