By Content Team on Monday, 28 January 2019
Category: One Firefly Blog

SEO: Beginner’s Guide to the Basics

Optimize Your Website’s Content on Every Page

Search engine optimization: Perhaps you have come across this term before, or maybe you’re brand new to the concept. More than likely, you’ve heard its more common acronym “SEO,” but you weren’t sure what it meant.

SEO is incredibly essential for your website’s success, and consequently – your company’s success. Now’s the perfect time to learn what this process is and why it’s a key factor to your business growth.

In our beginner’s guide, you can find out the basics of SEO and what it entails. Keep reading below to learn more!

What Is SEO Exactly?

SEO is a process meant to benefit your website’s traffic. It involves improving your website’s content to give the site and its pages higher visibility in search results when someone types in relevant words and phrases on a search engine – all without you spending a dime on it.

That’s the beauty of SEO – it gives you the ability to optimize your own content. Implementing SEO strategy becomes a breeze once you learn how to use it and see what it can do for you.


Why Does It Matter?

When someone uses a search engine to find what they’re looking for, their search will yield endless results that will appear every time they type in common words and phrases. It takes very specific searches to produce their exact, desired findings.

So, if someone searches for keywords very relevant or only somewhat relevant to your company, you can help bring them to your website and hopefully deliver them with the solutions they’re seeking – or, at least, answer any questions they might have. It all comes back to what you incorporate into your content.

What Are The Purposes Of Keyphrases, Geo-Tags And Meta Descriptions?

The entire goal of SEO is to get your website ranked highest for a search engine and located at the top of its search results page. You can accomplish this by using keyphrases, geo-locations, and meta descriptions.

A search engine like Google has a specific algorithm that crawls your website’s pages and looks for appropriate keyphrases and words that match a user’s searches. When you add geo-tags pertaining to your company’s location, it helps to narrow those who search for your services in the local area. This separates you from the nearby competition and by ranking you as the first business they see online.

Keyphrases and geo-tags are mostly for your on-page content, while meta descriptions are what potential clients will see on their search engine results.

A website or page’s meta description is a brief summary of 150 to 160 characters that should have a compelling summary of what someone will find when they click. This is your chance to draw in your clients and to ensure they click on your website – not a competitor’s.

You can describe your services and explain why you are what the user is searching for by including the page’s keyphrases and geo-tags and proper content descriptions.

With these SEO basics in mind, you can begin to understand how this process can help bring more traffic, more views, and more satisfied clients to your company’s website. As more exposure means more business for you, it’s clear that SEO is undeniably a key component of your content marketing strategy.

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