By One Firefly Team on Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Category: One Firefly Blog

SEO: Why You Need To Keep Up With Google’s Algorithm Changes

Increase organic traffic to your website by staying up to date on the latest SEO best practices

Everyone wants their website to rank on the first page of Google Search for queries related to their business, but achieving that goal takes some serious strategy.

That’s where SEO, or search engine optimization, comes into play. SEO refers to a set of practices designed to improve the position of web pages in organic search for relevant queries. 

SEO best practices are always evolving to keep up with Google’s algorithms, a complex and ever-changing system that Google uses to deliver the best possible search results for a query. Staying on top of Google’s algorithm updates and making necessary SEO changes to your website is key to ranking on Page 1 of Google Search.

In this blog, you’ll discover why it’s important to keep up with Google’s algorithm changes and how to do so if you want to rank higher and win more traffic. Keep reading to learn more!

SEE ALSO: SEO Explained: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How a Marketing Team Can Help

What Are Google’s Algorithms and Why Do They Matter?

Google’s algorithms are complex sets of rules that Google follows to deliver the best, most relevant search results for a particular query that’s typed into Google Search. Using these algorithms, Google ranks search results by relevance on its search engine results pages.

These algorithms are always evolving in an effort to help users find information online. In fact, Google makes thousands of changes to its algorithms every year! With every algorithm update, Google is reconsidering how it ranks web pages based on factors like search intent, expertise, authority, trustworthiness, and user experience.

Fortunately, most Google algorithm changes are so small that they have little to no impact on ranking performance for web pages that are already optimized for Google Search. However, the same can’t be said about Google’s occasional core algorithm updates.

Core updates occur a few times a year and can significantly impact ranking positions on Google’s search engine results pages. When a core update rolls out, website owners should be vigilant in assessing their website’s visibility in Google’s search results and make necessary changes to their website or web content to recover any potential performance loss.

How to Stay Ahead of Google Core Algorithm Updates

So, how can you know when a core update rolls out, and what action should you take to protect your online visibility and ranking positions? Here are some helpful tips:

1. Check Credible Google News Platforms

Google will always announce core algorithm updates to the public on its blog and social media platforms. Search Engine Land is also a great resource for staying informed about new roll-outs. Stay in the know by regularly checking these sources for any news on core algorithm updates.

2. Read Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines

While Google won’t share every algorithm change made in a core update, it does provide general search quality rater guidelines that detail what Google wants and expects from websites. These guidelines are a great starting point to understanding what changes you may need to make to your website to improve online visibility and ranking performance.

3. Create E-A-T Content

Google’s advice for recovering from a core update is to build great content. While you should still assess overall website performance, you may recover quicker by ensuring your content adheres to Google’s E-A-T guidelines, which stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Google provides tips for how to do this in their search quality rater guidelines.

4. Work with a Digital Marketing Agency

Keeping up with algorithm updates and making necessary changes to your website or SEO strategy can be overwhelming. Leave the work to a digital marketing agency like One Firefly!

One Firefly offers a wide array of digital marketing and SEO solutions for custom technology integration firms that can help you rank higher, win more traffic and convert more leads amid ever-changing Google algorithms.

Contact us here or chat with our experts below to discuss the right digital marketing solutions for your business goals and learn how we can help your online presence thrive!

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