By One Firefly Team on Wednesday, 06 October 2021
Category: One Firefly Blog

The Power Of Live Chat: 4 Reasons Your Business Needs A Chat Service

Did you know that website visitors are more likely to return to your site if live chat is being offered?

Live chat is the fastest, most convenient, and easiest way for website visitors to connect with your brand. It’s a fantastic tool for engaging consumers in real-time while they’re perusing your product and service offerings. In addition, having a manned chat service on your website ensures that visitors’ first point of contact will be with a real person — which is an invaluable asset toward building strong and trustworthy relationships with potential new customers.    

Keep reading to learn four benefits of adding a live chat service to your website!

SEE ALSO: Working With A Marketing Agency: Interview Part 4 (An Inside Look From The “Lead Concierge” Chat Team)


1. Chat Is Accessible

Never underestimate the power of convenience. One of the primary benefits of live chat is that you can give customers immediate help and support when a question arises while they’re browsing your site. One report found that 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live agent while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.

Many customers lose momentum for further inquiries or purchasing decisions when they have to wait for your business to respond to an email or phone call. A chat session has the potential to be the tipping point between losing or gaining a new customer. In fact, 38% of online consumers have acknowledged making a purchase due to a helpful live chat session.

2. Live Chat Improves The Customer Experience

Customer service is a brand differentiator, especially in a highly competitive field like home technology and integration services. While automated chat services and online forms are convenient for capturing consumer information and questions, they don’t provide the personal touch that elevates the customer experience.

Above anything else, consumers want to feel heard when they run into an issue or question. And manned chat offers them a way to be heard instantly and receive help within minutes. The real-time component that a chat service brings to customer service support is immensely satisfying for consumers and helps ensure a return visit to your site or a request for a follow-up call.  

3. A Chat Service Helps Qualify New Leads

Not every visitor on your website turns into a lead, and that’s OK. But how do you analyze all website visitors and determine which ones are the most likely to take action? That’s where live chat comes in.

In many cases, chat is the first touchpoint for visitors browsing your site. Providing real-time support and assistance is an excellent way to engage consumers and begin building a trusting relationship. At the end of a chat session, service agents will send your sales team the most engaged and qualified leads for further follow-up.

4. Online Chat Is A Customer-Preferred Communication Method

Let’s face it: people don’t want to talk on the phone anymore, especially not for a first inquiry. Today’s consumers expect businesses to offer digital methods of communication, and chat edges out both email and social media as the preferred online platform. It’s more accessible, more convenient, and more instantly gratifying than other forms of online communication. Additionally, 29% of consumers believe chat provides better information than email, while 15% believe it provides better information than a phone call.

Are you interested in adding a live chat service to your website? One Firefly offers Lead Concierge, a personalized manned chat service aimed at helping technology integrators engage with website visitors thoughtfully and intelligently. While many live chat services are available on the market, Lead Concierge is the only service manned by experts in the custom integration and security industries.

Reach out to One Firefly today to learn more.

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