By One Firefly Team on Friday, 12 February 2016
Category: One Firefly Blog

What Is A Blog, And Why Does It Matter?

Are blogs truly useful? There are some perceptions that blogs are just virtual diaries. However, in today's dynamic online environment, a blog can be a vital tool for establishing and growing your online presence. Having an active website is a critical component to your brand’s visibility, and a blog is a significant factor. Here’s why.

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Blogs + Your Voice = Audience

A blog instantly makes you part of the online conversation. While social media is another powerful tool for communicating to your audience, the primary objective is not always clear. A blog, however, will draw readers who are interested in your topics. When continuing to create content that your readers would find valuable, you start to drive traffic to your site and build a regular audience. By developing your online presence, search engines begin to take notice.

With regularly added content, readers will entrust you as an expert in the field. With time, a visitor can even transform from a reader to a customer. Additionally, when you generate blogs about topics that you're passionate about, your audience will turn to your website as a source to gain insight and knowledge. By building on that trusted relationship, your blog serves as another gateway to gain potential customers.

Blogs + Search Engines = Visibility

The secret is out; search engines love blogs, and regularly position blog articles high in search results to point their users to fresh and relevant content. Search engines take notice of websites that continue to provide new content that their users might find useful. By continuing to produce quality content, your website will be rewarded with higher search engine rankings and discoverability. Being proactive and creating content about the services you provide can also position your website front and center for shoppers. For example, producing a blog that discusses the benefits of flat screen TV installations can increase your ranking visibility to someone who is searching for service providers who can assist with mounting their television.

By producing new content, the blog becomes more active to search engines compared to a website without a blog. There is the added benefit of sharing your blogs across social media to get views of potential customers interested in your topics. With this constant activity of fresh content, your website gains better overall performance with search engines.

Blogs + Your Website = Virtual Voice

The main purpose of creating a website is to have a powerful and useful presence on the Internet. How relevant and effective that presence is, largely depends on your website’s activity. Having a blog matters to your website because it gives you another avenue to get the attention you're seeking from the target audience you desire. When someone discovers you online, your blog provides another way for you to start a conversation with that person.

Does your website have a company blog? Do you struggle finding time to keep your blog fresh and up to date with regular content? These are common challenges many website owners have, and solutions are available that will allow you to get up and running with a new blog rather quickly. Additionally, hiring quality content writers who understand your business and your audience can be an extremely cost-effective, efficient, and reliable way to ensure you are adequately leveraging your online presence. Have a question about this or any other related topic? Feel free to leave your comments below.

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