By One Firefly Team on Wednesday, 02 August 2017
Category: One Firefly Blog

Why To Start Recruiting Now

A Guest Post From Industry Veteran Gordon Isaac

I have worked with over a thousand small businesses since the end of the recent recession and they all have one thing in common relating to staffing: a shortage. As the economy has bounced back, businesses are growing and many owners have found themselves too consumed with working “in” their business and have found it difficult to spend time working “on” their business. This has put them in a position of too much work and not enough people or time to get it all done. 

Here are some ideas that will help you in this situation.

Make Time

One of the best ways to prevent stress is to prevent surprises, which is why it’s important to build healthy business habits that you can focus on weekly to keep your business running smoothly. Recruiting is one of those areas that should be part of your weekly routine. But you’re probably saying to yourself, “self, I don’t have any time for recruiting”. 

If something is important enough to do, it’s important enough to schedule. If it’s in your schedule, you are more likely to get it done than if you just keep telling yourself that you are going to get to it when you have time. Here are some ways to make recruiting a weekly part of your business.

If You Build It, They Will Come

Social media is not just a marketing tool; it is a recruiting tool as well. The positive image that you portray about your business makes others interested in coming to work for you, and it doesn’t take a lot of time to make this happen.

Spending 15-30 minutes a week on social will help you attract potential new employees. These ideas can work with many forms of social media, but LinkedIn is the best place for recruiting. Here is how to do it.

Go Shopping

Existing Experience

If you are looking for salespeople, go shopping at places with employees who might have some of the knowledge base that you need in your position. As an example, if you are looking for salespeople in the custom install space, go shop a retail electronics store, or a competitor and find people doing the job you need done.

Similar Skill Set

Using the same example of finding salespeople that can sell custom install products, try a cable or satellite provider, cell phone carrier, or maybe even a model home design center. These people have a technical aptitude which could translate into selling the technology solutions that you offer. They will require some training, but they know technology.

Highly Moldable

Don’t forget that there are a lot of great people working in nicer restaurants or other businesses outside of your industry that are looking for a career change. Good people are everywhere and the people with great customer service and limited experience provides you the opportunity to teach them how you want your product or services sold which can prevent bad habits which might come with someone who is experienced. Good customer service, and work ethic is harder to teach than selling.

Post Ads

Create a “jobs@” email address and post positions that you might need in the future on places such as Craigslist or other local job boards. This has no cost and is a good way to create a database of candidates for when you need them. If you don’t have the time to respond to these emails in a timely fashion then create an auto response to let the applicant know that you will be in contact with them if you’re interested in moving forward. Looking for work is a big challenge for people and you should be respectful of their situation by communicating clearly that you received their information and what they should expect next.

You can also use paid services such as,, and even LinkedIn offers a pay program for posting jobs. There are also many industry websites to post job openings on for a fee and these narrow your audience down to your industry. The fees can add up quickly so compare the costs to my next solution as finding the best candidate can take time.


Make connections with recruiters on social media and have an occasional call to discuss the types of candidates they work with. There is typically a fee of up to 25% of a hired person’s salary for their service, but if you don’t have the time and need help quick, it’s good to know what recruiter might focus on the types of candidates you need when the time comes.

Recruiters are using social media and other ways to find potential employees and they also have a list of people who they are working with to help get placed. The perfect candidate could already be in their rolodex.

SEE ALSO: 7 Tips to Improve Your Company’s Recruiting Efforts

It’s Never Too Late to Start

The hardest part is always getting started, so don’t procrastinate and remember these takeaways.

What other ways have you found effective in recruiting? Please leave a comment on what’s worked well for you.

Now just think, in the time you’ve spent reading this you could have connected with 2 potential new employees. Happy recruiting!

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