By One Firefly Team on Thursday, 07 May 2020
Category: One Firefly Blog

Why We Decided To Expand Our Home Technology Media Library

Our Second Photoshoot Delivers Fresh Approach and Content

With the great response we’ve had to our Mercury Pro website solutions—including the Residential Systems CEDIA 2019 “Best of Show” Award and Connected Design’s 2019 Award—we couldn’t wait to create even more unique content for our brand-new designs. With more experience under our belt, we embarked on a second photoshoot to generate new photos and videos for our Mercury Pro models.

Getting a more varied visual presence for our clients was the top priority. Some of the spaces and technology we featured in this shoot weren't as prominent the first time around. It was also an opportunity to approach things differently based on things we learned the first time around. Eager to find out more about how we got our brand-new digital assets together? Just keep reading for all the details!

SEE MORE: OneFirefly Media Library: Building Visual Authenticity

Our Main Objectives for Our Second Photo Shoot

The plan was always to have multiple photoshoots for our media library to create a diversified portfolio. This time around, we used a home with an even higher-end feel and partnered with new manufacturers. With the growing wellness trend in the industry, we wanted to get relevant photos for that as well.

From our first photoshoot, we learned that on an online medium, it's essential to have the technology more prominently featured. In this shoot we made that a primary focus and looked for creative ways of portraying end users interacting with it in their day-to-day life.


How This Photo Shoot Differed from The First

As we mentioned, a big goal for this shoot was greater diversity. That came through in the technology we featured, the type of house we used, and the actors we hired. This shoot had a younger family featured—including some children—to appeal to a broader range of the country and clientele.

The reason we loved the new home was that it had a more luxurious feel with a wine cellar, motorized shades, and modern décor. With more experience, we were able to take a more purposeful approach to our shots to ensure there was more of a storytelling dimension to it rather than just disparate shots.



Some of the Content You’ll See from the shoot

What new type of content can you expect for your website? There are new manufacturers featured, including McIntosh, Sonus Faber, B&W, Lutron, Origin Acoustics and Core Brands. For all the iPads prominently, we’ve rendered the latest interfaces from Control4, Savant, Crestron and Lutron.

We also wanted to make sure that the family was seen interacting with technology throughout the house. Our videos and photos showcase the actors interacting with it in the kitchen, home office, outdoor areas, hallways, bathrooms, bedrooms, media room and the wine cellar.




Why This Content is So Vital for Integrators

When it comes to digital marketing, visual storytelling is one of the most successful sales techniques. Beyond highlighting your projects, you can use this content to allow potential clients to see just how technology could play a huge part in their lives.

Any professional looking to enhance their online digital presence needs unique images to stand out. While stock and manufacturer content is outdated and overused, this content is brand new and available exclusively to our Mercury Pro clients.


Want to check out some of the fresh content available for your new website? Set up a one-on-one meeting to go over our new photo and video assets! Give us a call at 954-921-2393, fill out our contact form or chat with us below to schedule a meeting.

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