By One Firefly Team on Friday, 10 June 2016
Category: One Firefly Blog

4 Common Buyer Objections (And How Integrators Can Overcome Them)

In the home automation space, your buyers are going to range between the kind that defers to your judgment on everything and the kind that questions every suggestion you make. The first kind of buyer is great. The second kind? Not so much.

So how can technology integrators tactfully overcome their buyers’ objections and suggestions about their home automation systems? It all comes down to how you position yourself and the services you are providing. Your client needs to trust your expertise and understand the value of the services you bring. That may sound like a daunting task, but consider how it plays out for the 4 examples below.

Objection: “I Need To See Everything Before I Commit.”

You may or may not have a showroom easily accessible. Even if you do, you’re not going to be able to set up every aspect of your customer’s unique home automation solution. So how do you get your client to commit to a purchase of something they’ve never seen?

At a minimum, you need pictures (and ideally videos) of previous work to show your client. A sales portfolio is great for these types of situations because it provides something tangible for your customer. They can see the quality of your portfolio and understand that it’s a reflection of the quality of your work. You can use then an interactive Innea demo on your website to show the home automation system in action.

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Client testimonials are another great tool you should utilize. Build strong relationships with your customers so that they are comfortable vouching for your work. If you’re lucky, they’ll even be willing to open up their homes or businesses to show off the home automation solution in person.

Objection: “Why Can’t I Get This Cheaper Product Instead?”

We’ve all been there. Your buyer has found a set of $400 speakers with 5-star reviews on Amazon. He or she doesn’t understand why the speakers you’ve suggested are any better than the Amazon alternative.

If you’re having this conversation, the odds are likely that you haven’t made a strong enough case for quality workmanship. From your buyer’s perspective, there’s no difference between the two sets of speakers because you haven’t explained the difference. This is your time to shine. Demonstrate your knowledge of the industry by explaining why those $100 speakers won’t result in a satisfactory experience for your buyer.

Objection: “I’ll Just Do This Part Myself To Save Money.”

DIY home automation is becoming much more popular in recent years as more and more DIY-friendly systems enter the market. Your buyers may think that they can save a great deal of money by programming the entire system themselves through an intuitive GUI. For simpler systems, they may be right. For more complicated systems, you know your buyers will find themselves in over their heads very quickly. So how do you communicate that?

First, reinforce that your client is not just paying for a product. They are paying for your skills, your experience, and your knowledge of the industry. They are coming to you because you know how to set up home automation systems to be reliable, and if something does go wrong, you’ll be one phone call away from fixing it.

Objection: “I Don’t Think This Part Is Really Necessary. Just Do The Rest Of The System Without It.”

The most difficult type of client is one who knows just enough to be dangerous. Your buyer may not realize the complexity of their home automation solution, but still understand enough about an individual component to question it.

Your response to this type of objection should never be “Don’t worry about it. Believe me when I say you need it.” Your buyer will feel as though you are being condescending or perhaps even dishonest. Instead, take the time to explain at a high level how that component fits into the system as a whole. That extra 10 minutes goes a long way toward establishing your credibility, and it also shows that you’re willing to patiently help your client understand the inner workings of their system.

Whatever your buyer’s objection, your response should always be from the perspective of an industry expert. To learn about how One Firefly can help you position your company’s digital presence as a leading home automation provider, give us a call today. And if you know of a tried and true method for handling buyer objections that I didn’t cover in this post, let us know in the comments!

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