By One Firefly Team on Friday, 30 October 2020
Category: One Firefly Blog

3 Distinct Advantages Of Working With A Team Who Knows The Industry

Are You Seeing Maximum Results from Your Marketing Efforts?

At One Firefly, we are proud to be unique. When we tell friends and family that we are marketers who write contentdesign websites and graphics, manage SEM campaigns and more for the residential and commercial custom integration industry, we expect quizzical looks. (“Wait, what do you do, again?”)

Because we’re that niche. We all have oddly specific jobs, and we hone our skills and strategy until we get noticeable results for customers. We love what we do, the industry we are a part of and the people we work with, and we know it shows in our deliverables. Read on to see how we offer a few distinct, results-driven advantages to our customers and prospects.

SEE ALSO: 4 of the Biggest Trends Sweeping the Smart Tech Industry

First, Why An Agency?

You have plenty of options in a world of competing marketers. You can hire people for one-time jobs now, which usually results in deliverables that, for one reason or another, fail to meet standards. And because you don’t establish a working relationship with those freelancers as you would with a respected agency, they might lack motivation to improve simply because it’s the first and last time you’ll work together. As soon as you need another content piece, graphic or web page, you’re searching again for another quick-fix solution. We both know you deserve better, so we recommend a collaborative, relationship-based approach to marketing from an industry partner.

Why Us? We’ll Start With 3 Main Reasons!

As marketers, we’ve read a lot of the copy that exists online, from a variety of markets, and we can tell when a generic copywriter crafted the piece. Though these articles were otherwise well written, we can usually pinpoint when the writer was posing to master our industry’s language. Professionals like you know that it takes only a couple slips to reveal this knowledge gap, and that’s where many readers lose interest.

Learning industry-specific terminology can be somewhat like learning a new language, and when it feels forced, it can sound like broken tech-English, if you will. The comfort and flexibility our writers demonstrate when referencing our terminology is one of the first qualities new clients recognize when they review our projects. Plus, the team has the natural writing talent to convey their passion for the technology your customers use, bringing us to our next point.

We live and breathe your industry because it’s also our industry. We can’t wait to read CEPro’s tech news and watch our favorite products win awards. This vertical never fails to surprise us, as year after year, we see innovations from wellness rooms and smart mirrors, to exciting automation system upgrades and news-making collaborations.

When you work with One Firefly, you can trust that a creative mind is at work—someone who reads the news, attends webinars and virtual trainings, and continues to expand their knowledge. You’ll see the difference when they relate a point they’re writing to an emerging device or a buzzworthy article. When you don’t collaborate with a custom technology-focused agency, your copy might sound good but it will lack substance, or layer generic facts together with enough “fluffy” writing to compensate for incomplete knowledge, inexperience or lack of interest.

Pre-pandemic, you could count on seeing us at major industry events, like CEDIA, CEDIA Tech Summits, ProSource and Azione conferences and more. While One Firefly’s mission is to design and execute solutions to help technology businesses grow, our purpose is to help people feel proud, prosperous and connected. And that means building relationships that will last. Together, we can create, network, grow, meet at industry events and share a laugh over a Zoom call. Our experienced sales team and account managers keep in touch to ensure satisfaction with your deliverables. We continue to learn from you to make sure our projects align with your expectations, and we continually refine our creative services to evolve with your ongoing needs, preferences and the ever-changing industry.

Reach Out To Us Today!

Are you interested in stepping up your marketing efforts by working with industry professionals? One Firefly is the go-to marketing agency in the home and business automation and audio-video industry. Give us a call at 954-921-2393 or fill out our online form to let us know how we can help your business succeed.

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