By One Firefly Team on Thursday, 14 July 2016
Category: One Firefly Blog

5 Signs You Should Invest In A Copywriter

Find out if copywriting services are right for your technology integration business.

Copywriting services can enhance many areas of a technology integrator’s business, boosting both new leads and customer retention. But how do you know if investing in a copywriter is the right decision for your company? There’s no black and white answer, but there are some ways to tell whether or not your business will benefit from copywriting services.

First, let’s talk about what I mean by copywriting services. Many integrators don’t realize the full extent of copywriting can entail, especially when combined with content marketing services: social media management, website content, SEO, blog posts, newsletters, printed content, video scripts, and more. If you need content, a copywriter can provide it for you.
So now that we’re on the same page as to what copywriting consists of, let’s look at the signs that it’s time to invest in a copywriter:

1. You’re Not Happy With Your Current Number Of Leads/Clients

If referrals just aren’t enough to get your integrator business to its sales goals, what do you do? You make it easy for new clients to find you. That means polishing up your website content and optimizing it for search engines so that when a client searches for home automation or security services in your area, your company shows up front and center in the search results. A good copywriter can do more than just optimize your website; your copywriter can improve the digital experience for your potential customers, making it easy for them to find the information they need and reach out to you immediately.

2. Your Website Isn’t Bringing In The Right Type Of Customer

Your website should be a reflection of your company’s style, brand and services. If you look at your website right now and don’t have a clear idea of what your company offers, your potential customers aren’t going to either. Copywriting services can take a bland and generic website and transform it to be targeted toward your ideal customer.

3. You Have No Social Media Presence

Are social media accounts really that important for the technology integrator space? Absolutely. Social media, and Facebook in particular, provides an easy outlet for your clients and potential customers to learn about your company’s services in a more casual, relaxed environment than they can through your website. Not to mention that by building a following on social media, you have more opportunities to increase awareness of your products and services.

SEE ALSO: Why Should You Stay Active on Your Company Facebook Page?

4. Your Emails Aren’t Working

Okay, you’ve started sending out newsletter or regular emails, but you’re not seeing the results you were hoping for. There are several possible reasons for this, and they often all tie together. Perhaps your email list isn’t large enough (in which case copywriting can help grow your lead funnel) or more likely, your emails aren’t targeted enough for the recipients. Copywriters are able to segment your email contacts into different lists, then tailor messages to fit each recipient.

5. You Don’t Have The Time Or Skills For Great Copywriting

Copywriting takes effort. While you may be able to make the time to write up a newsletter or post to social media every now and then, you probably aren’t able to consistently dedicate yourself to making your content efforts succeed over time. Your time is far better spent doing what you do best: technology integration.

Copywriting can be done in-house or outsourced, and each option has its own strengths and weaknesses. The most important thing is to choose a copywriter who understands your industry and can communicate the value of your services or products effectively.

One Firefly has developed their copywriting and content marketing services to be completely centered on the home and commercial technology industry. To learn more about how those services can benefit your company, call 877.334.1144 today.

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