By One Firefly Team on Thursday, 22 April 2021
Category: One Firefly Blog

How To Write Persuasive Content For The AV Industry

How to Write Persuasive Content for the AV Industry

Learn 3 tips for writing AV and technology-focused content that’s engaging, impactful, and memorable

Persuasive writing tells a story and creates an emotional connection with your audience. This is true across all industries, including the AV and technology industry. In a compelling piece of technology-focused copy, your audience is the main character, their desires, needs and pain points are the conflict, and your products and services are the solutions.

We have emotional connections to the technology we use daily. Technology helps us communicate with family and loved ones around the world, make our living environments more inviting and comfortable, feel safer, and access entertainment that brings enjoyment to our lives. The key to writing compelling, impactful AV content is seeking out those emotional connections and bringing them to the forefront of your audience’s mind.

Technology-focused content can be as persuasive, impactful and emotional as content about health, wellness, art, literature, or love. Below, we have three tips to help guide the creation of AV content that resonates with your target audiences.

SEE ALSO: Engage Your Customers With Language That Speaks Directly To Them  

1. Stop Thinking “What” — Start Thinking “Why” And How”

Writing about product features isn’t persuasive. Writing about how a piece of technology works isn’t persuasive either. There’s a time and place for informative content that answers your audience’s “what” questions, but persuasive content should be answering your audience’s “why” and “how” questions.

Why does your target audience want or need a whole-home audio system? How does a home surveillance system make your audience’s lives easier, safer, comfortable, or enjoyable? How does home technology add value to your audience’s day-to-day or solve a problem they’re facing?

Persuasive writing makes a case for why and how your products and services are worth the investment for your audience.

2. Write To Your Audience

Take the techy out of tech writing. Skip the jargon and write to your audience using everyday language. Inserting complex AV terms into your content doesn’t make you sound more knowledgeable or credible. What makes you sound knowledgeable, credible and trustworthy is taking complicated technology concepts and breaking them down into terms your audience understands.

Need some help getting started? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes with the exercises below.

3. Use Visual Content

Lean in, friends, because this is a big one: write persuasive AV content by……not writing as much content. Where can you use pictures, videos, infographics, and other types of visual media to tell your story instead? Visual content marketing is more engaging, more digestible, and more memorable — studies show that people can recall up to 65% of visual content a few days after seeing it, but only 10-20% of written material.

AV content is a fantastic area to include engaging visuals like videos because your audience has a chance to see how and where technology is used in real-time environments. Incorporate visual content on your website, blog posts, and social channels. Bonus points if you use original graphics, pictures, and videos that facilitate deeper connections with your brand.

At One Firefly, we employ an internal team of experienced content writers who combine extensive industry knowledge with persuasive writing skills to create compelling, engaging and memorable content about the AV industry.

Are you ready to improve your online presence with compelling content? Give us a call today at (954) 477-8331 or click here to set up a consultation with our team.

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