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Since its launch in 2017, “Automation Unplugged" has become the leading AV and integration-focused podcast, broadcast weekly. The show is produced in both audio and video formats, simulcast on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and released in audio-only format across all major podcast platforms. Our podcast delves into business development, industry trends, and insights through engaging conversations with leading personalities in the tech industry.
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How AI is Reshaping SEO: Strategies for 2024 Success

Automation Unplugged #273 is a marketing webinar we recorded in May 2024. In this educational session, we cover how AI is re-defining SEO, changes to Google’s page one search results, zero-click searches, and more.

This week's episode of Automation Unplugged we’re bringing you a webinar we recorded in May 2024 called “How AI Impacts SEO.

About this episode:

We're putting this content in front of you because we think it’s more important than ever. AI and generative search have really changed the game for SEO, and this webinar is a great education as to what's happening and what you can do about it.

Interview Recap

  • How AI is changing the game for SEO and what you need to do to keep up.
  • The changes to Google’s page one search results and why zero-click results are so important.
  • What we at One Firefly think of as the four pillars of SEO, and how we work with you to show up on page one and in local search.

SEE ALSO: Show #272: Home Theater Excellence: Designing Immersive Cinemas with Richard Charschan



Awesome. So we are here to speak with all of you. We're going to be talking about SEO and the impacts on your online visibility. This webinar has been put together as a follow up to our teaching, Kendall and I actually teaching an AI workshop at ProSource here in South Florida just a few weeks ago.


And I am, I'm Ron Callis, CEO and founder here at One Firefly and happy to be with all of you. And I'll let Kendall introduce herself.


Hey, everyone. My name's Kendall. I am our Director of Sales and Marketing here. I've been with One Firefly now closing in on 10 years. And I'm excited. We've got 30 minutes of fun-filled content. So we'll be throwing a lot of information your way.


So Ron, if you want to kick us off, just a quick agenda here. We're going to do a little bit of education. Then we're going to go dive deeper into our SEO services.


So I'm going to keep us on track. I'm going to try to keep Ron on track and we'll keep us moving.


Good luck with that, Kendall.


Yeah, exactly. Who we are, we are One Firefly. We are a full service marketing agency that has been serving the CI space since 2007. And month to month, we are actually actively managing marketing for over 650 companies, which is a pretty cool number.


You also may have saw us, as Ron mentioned, at ProSource a couple of weeks ago, joined our AI class, which we had a lot of fun at.


You may have had a one-on-one with us. We loved being a guest there and getting to meet with so many of you and have a lot of fun along the way. You know, may have seen us at the bar casino a little bit too, right, Ron?


Maybe at the craps table. Losing money, I might add. It was not a great trip to the craps table. But what are you going to do?


It was fun. We had a lot of fun though. But to kick us off, I wanted to first jump into a little education on website traffic sources.


So how are people coming to your website? There's a lot of different avenues and vehicles in which somebody can find you online. If you think about it, someone may click on a link within your email or your email signature. They might physically type in your URL to visit your website if they know you. Maybe they click on a social media post. You know, there's lots of different avenues, but today we want to focus strictly on organic search.


And that definition of organic search is anybody that goes to a search engine, think Google, Bing, yes, people do use Bing and type in some sort of phrase that you show up for and they click on your website and end at your website. So that's called organic traffic. Now, I mentioned we do marketing for over 650 businesses every month. We look at thousands of businesses analytics on any given year.


And a trend that we are seeing over the last 12 months is that we're really seeing a decline in organic traffic pretty much across the board. Many of our customers are starting to see this. Many people we don't work with are starting to see this. There is this trend in a lessening of organic traffic to websites. And I don't want you to just take our word for it. Ron, if you click to the next slide, this is actually something that is kind of universally across universal across the internet.


This is an article. And Kat, I think she's actually on the call who sent us this article. This was posted as recently as four days ago from BBC, and it talks about the changes within Google's algorithm. And they posted a really neat chart, which is on the next slide that talked about the impact that the changes in Google algorithm is seeing on traffic to a lot of different websites. So you'll see here, this is a chart of some of the winners and losers of these changes within Google.


Now, on the left-hand side, you'll see a lot of the losers and a couple that stuck out to me. Some of these I know, some of these I don't. But can you imagine being managing and they have lost 60% of their organic traffic since September 2023. I mean, just imagine that. Imagine losing 60% of walk-ins to your showroom or 60% of your projects.


I mean, this is a huge deal for online websites that rely on a lot of this online traffic. And I'll also add, when you think about that organic traffic, somebody that's typed in a phrase, that is a quality visitor. That's a visitor you want to make sure is finding you and you make sure it's capturing and you're speaking to that client. So they've lost 60% of that traffic. On the other side of it, what's so interesting is that Reddit, a very common, what would you call it, Ron?


It's a form of social media.


A forum, I guess you could say, posting forum has increased their traffic, their organic traffic 126%. I believe the article said that they just posted 50% increased earnings in Q1 because of all of these changes and this influx in traffic. So this is something that's happening universally. It's not just within our industry, and we really want to make you aware of it.


Yeah, something I would add for everyone that's tuned in, many of you would say that you get most of your business through referral. And we agree that those referrals are likely going to continue to feed you for years to come. But those referrals are likely going online and reference checking you or doing research. And so that's why Kendall's focus in the last few minutes on the discussion around organic traffic decreasing, that is a traffic vector where a lot of these folks are ultimately finding you online.


And if you haven't looked at your Google Analytics, it's something that you and/or your marketing team should be paying attention to. Just a word for the wise. By the way, Google Analytics is free. So the software doesn't cost anything, and that's something that you should be able to log into. And if you need help with logging into it, just reach out to us. We'll try to get you connected to the right people here to make sure you're seeing it. Now, you may be wondering, oh my gosh, why has this happened?


And I know that we asked ourselves, why is this happening? And the answer is that the internet is changing. Technology is advancing, right? Technology is something that is going to continue to push forward. Think of all the technology innovations in your life, anywhere from TVs and radios to cell phones and cloud computing. And now we have this thing called AI.


And AI is here just as a demonstration to this inflection point in time. And there was actually a very specific date where the world very suddenly changed. And that date, if you really zoom in here, it's around November of 2022. Because what happened in November of '22, ChatGPT from OpenAI was released. At that time, it was ChatGPT 3. And all of a sudden, there's a free tool out there called Google Trends.


You can go to your browser tab, type in Google Trends, and you can see what are people trending and searches for on Google. And you can see this really dramatic increase in searches for people searching for AI tools. And, you know, just last year, there were 10,000 tools. I know this year we're probably already approaching 20,000 tools that have popped up, whether they're companies or the outputs from those companies.


And many of you have probably been dabbling or playing or using with these tools. I know here at one Firefly, our IT department just turned on Gemini in our Google workplace for some of us that are testing that out. So that's brand new. We have a ChatGPT Teams account here at one Firefly. I've been playing with, of course, Dall-E is embedded in OpenAI, ChatGPT. But there's just, I mean, there's so many of these amazing tools.


Well, what does that mean? So when you look out, like predict, you know, here at One Firefly, we practice a business system called EOS. And one of those tenets of EOS is that as leaders, you want to predict what's coming, what's going to happen to your business. And we started to predict that there's going to be a lot more content filling the internet. And if that content is filling the internet, what's going to happen? So think about poor Google.


I know when you like think of sad stories, you're like, oh, woe is me. Poor Google, they have to figure this out. Well, they had to figure out how do they continue to show quality content when someone does a search versus all of the noise that's filling the internet. And it's a very complex three-dimensional chess match in terms of an exponentially growing internet and an exponential, exponential influx of new content.


And how do they ultimately deliver your business? You're watching an SEO webinar. How do they show your business on that page one of search so that your referrals can reference, check you and call you up and go, hello, I'd love to give you lots of money to do really cool things in my project. Well, that is the quandary. So Google started to release major algorithm updates. Algorithm updates are changes to the way that search works.


So think of somebody that maybe saw a home automation system at their friend's house and, you know, they were at the country club playing some golf and they said, oh my God, when I get home at night, my lights automatically turn on and my family feels so much safer. And they go, well, how did you do that? Well, I called Acme Integration. And they then go and they start doing searches. Hey, who's the best home automation company in my town?


Well, does your business show up or do your competitors show up? That's the question. If you don't know the answer to that, one of your assignments after this webinar is go to Google and start typing in those queries and find out, are you showing up or are competitors showing up? Well, Google's been very actively making changes to the way search works. This article actually came out in March. This is just what, a handful of weeks ago, Google with another one of their major algorithm updates.


And in this case, they're clamping down on what's called low-quality content. Now, low quality content does not by definition mean AI content because you can actually have very strong AI generated or AI supported content. Low quality content is not adding anything new to the internet. It's the one of the same as everything else out there.


And if that's true, they are reducing the importance or the relevance of your website and it's not going to show up as well on page one of search. In some of the extreme cases, websites are being completely delisted or de-indexed. Meaning, oh my gosh, they used to have lots of traffic and now they have minimal traffic. So one thing that Google did, they actually did this in December of 2022.


Interestingly, one month after ChatGPT came out is they came out with recommendations on what you and I can do, we as marketers on your behalf, you as business operators, what you could do to impact the validity and the authority of your brand on the internet. And so they have an acronym, E-E-A-T. So you can demonstrate experience.


We have here on the slide ways that you can do that. You can demonstrate expertise, authority and trustworthiness. And when you look at your current marketing strategy and your current efforts to define and control your SEO online, what you will probably realize, if you reflect honestly, is probably a lot more that you could do with your brand online to demonstrate the EEAT acronym, these actions you can take to make your business more trustworthy on the internet.


One other thing that I want you, we want you to be aware of is how page one of search looks today. Today, May, almost June. I know my son has one more week of school. Almost summertime. This is how internet search Google page one looks right now. And it's very different than how it looked last year. So let's just quickly reflect on last year. You'll notice that paid ads were at the top and the bottom.


Today, for the most part, paid ads are generally still at the top and generally still at the bottom. It's not completely true all the time in all markets. It's generally true. Why? Because that is how Google makes money. They are selling you ads, you and me ads. So they want us to click. But if you notice, green is the organic result. That's all the hard work through SEO that you're doing to make your website presented on page one because you're the authority on the subject matter.


Well, you'll notice when we look over to the right, right here in May of '24, there's a lot less green real estate. There's less green real estate. The shortcut there is it means it's harder to get placed there and there's less of it. It is more scarce. It's a scarce resource. So you need to do more as a business if you want to show up in the organic placement. And then yellow, well, that's the new ballgame. That's called zero click search results.


Very big breaking news just came out in the last week or so. I think we have a slide on it that generative search is now here in various parts of the country. In addition to your Google Business profile, your featured snippets, people also ask your Google Map three packs, all sorts of different real estate now showing up on page one, that if you aren't as a business, very mindfully directing and orchestrating how you show up, you are not showing up in all of that real estate, but your competitors might be.


And that if you have no other takeaway from this webinar, that's what you should walk away with. The game has changed. So here, when you Google Google generative search, this is the breaking news. As of May 14th, this is two weeks ago, generative search has started rolling out across North America. Now, when Firefly has been telling you this was eminently going to happen, we've actually been talking about this since September of last year.


It was available for you to trial in Google Labs with a little flask under your personal account. Well, now it is being opened up and it is available. It seems to be random right now. Kendall and I were actually just doing some tests.


Different searches would also bring it up versus not bring it up. It was interesting.


Yeah, it's curious how and when. Also, if you really dig deeper, its results are a bit sketchy right now. Sometimes they're really good results.


Sometimes they're not good results. Well, the reality is Google has Gemini, their AI and whatever else is under the hood, crawling the internet, trying to decipher and determine answers to queries you're typing into Google, and they're trying to give you an AI-generated response. And it is likely, you see an example here on the big image. They're also going to give you the source websites for where the content that they've crawled that's helping them generate that.


Well, if you think about your business, you want your business to be the source of the information that the AI is crawling and processing to ultimately answer the question of that consumer, which means the content and the effort on your website now needs to change, which means the efforts that One Firefly is directing on your behalf need to change. The game is now very different than it was in the past.


You can all but forget what you knew about SEO prior to today. Because what we need to do as integrators that want to show up in reference searches for our customers and for our architects, designers and builders, you now need to do new things. And so One Firefly has adapted, Kendall's going to give you a little bit of a preview, and then I'll jump into the specifics.


Awesome. Thanks, Ron. So when we were putting together some of these solutions, the first thing we wanted to look at is what is the umbrella of SEO contain? Many of you may have had people doing SEO for you or have worked with an SEO specialist before over the years. But there are really four pillars of SEO that make up that umbrella. We have your local SEO, we have your on-site SEO, off-site and technical SEO. So these are the four pillars. And then what we did when we were looking into these pillars is we wanted to look at two different things.


One, what aspect of each of these pillars will have the biggest impact on their algorithm, right? The biggest impact, make the biggest impact to get you showing up as high as possible. We wanted to look at that.


We also wanted to look at the relevance to our industry too. All of these practices are sort of the practices that you could follow, whether you're an e-commerce site or all of these, a social media site. There's lots of different portions of the algorithm.


So we pulled out those two pieces, biggest impact mixed with what's relevant for our industry, and we put these packages together. Now we'll go to the next slide. And I also did want to note that we have been doing SEO for a while. One Firefly has always offered SEO services going back to 2014. Actually, when I joined the team, we had just launched our Mercury website product, and we had also been blogging for customers.


There are lots of different ways that we were incorporating SEO into our strategies all the way back to 2014. But what we're seeing now is not that what we did was bad, not that what we're currently doing is bad. It's just the world has expanded. If you think about all of our technology, think about what our iPhone was capable of doing in 2014 versus now. Capabilities have expanded and we have to expand. What we did then is not enough now. And we had to expand our offerings to kind of adjust for that.


Awesome. So we are launching, or say we are launching. We launched this officially in February. And just kind of a big picture, FYI. Here at One Firefly, when we're rolling out new services, a lot of times we'll even do a bit of testing and measuring in advance. So we've been testing and measuring many of these tactics here since the fall of last year.


We officially rolled them out with press release and announcements in February. And for some of you here that are logged in, this might be the first time you're hearing this. So first of all, you have tier one. We call this the Market Foundation Plan. And in Tier 1, we're doing three primary things. One is we are looking at really building local search dominance for your business. So we're going to be updating your Google Business profile on an ongoing basis.


Every 30 days, we're going to be retooling that Google Business Profile because that Google Business Profile is fulfilling so many of the criteria of the zero click search results that are now 60 to 70% of page one of Google.


And for many of you, you may not have touched your Google Business profile in years. Many of you didn't even know you had a Google Business Profile. But that profile now is very powerful. And we have defined the process and procedures to keep that thing relevant and highly visible. Number two, we're working on your directory listings. Specifically, what is now an increased importance as a ranking factor for Google is your NAPW name, address, phone number, and website URL being uniformly listed across the internet, across all directories.


Now, what's an obvious directory or place where this matters are your social media, your social media profiles, right? So your Instagram, your LinkedIns, your Facebooks. But the reality is there are often dozens to hundreds of indexed directories where your business is detailed. And if that information is not consistent, your business is being decreased in relevance because it is not demonstrating authority and trust.


But if you have taken the time to clean that up, it means you're likely a more legitimate place on the internet and they're going to send you traffic. Lastly, what we're going to be doing is retooling your website keyword strategy, affecting your page titles, meta descriptions, and htags. And we're also going to be working on linking the pages and the content within your website to the pages that have the highest, what's called page authority. So that, again, we can make the web of traffic on your website more powerful, which increases the effectiveness of the website. So this is tier one.


The One Firefly 360 SEO audit is a requirement if we're going to do tier two or tier three. So tier two and tier three is more strategic SEO. We're going to factor in those four legs of the chair that Kendall was talking about. On-site, local, technical, what is it? On-site, local, technical and offsite. So sorry, all four variables there.


So if we're going to be modifying those strategies, we actually have to come up with our game plan. And if we're going to develop that game plan, we need to know our starting point. The 360 audit is where we develop and take a full picture of the landscape, what's working, what's not working. We balance that with what you define as your goals and criteria for the year and years ahead.


And that's now where we have a plan of execution to take our immediate steps in month one, month two and beyond. So now you have tier two. Tier two is where we're doing more. So we're doing everything that we did in tier one. But now this is where we are additionally going to do some on-site work. Beyond just your keywords, we're now going to be retooling and optimizing existing pages of content on your website.


And in order to do that in the best practice way, we're going to be refining and developing what's called an ICP, ideal customer profile based on who you are trying to speak to. Because not only do we want the vanity of page one placement with your keywords, but we also want that traffic when they land on your website.


We want there to be search volume there and we want them to then convert on your website, which means we need that content to really be tuned, to speak to them, their needs, wants, and desires and pain points so that the content on your website is ultimately answering their question wherever they are in their buyer journey. And they make contact and they become a customer. So that's what we're doing with our content. We're also now starting to do technical SEO where we go to Google Search Console, clean up all the errors and flags on your website.


Most of you, if you have not done that, likely have many errors. Even if One Firefly built your site, doesn't matter. Your website, as the internet has evolved, there are flags that have been thrown that a best practice is now to clean them up. That's what we're doing in technical. And then review management. This was also in tier one, so I'll just mention it here. This is where we're strongly advising that you are driving reviews into your Google Business profile.


And we also now have an automatic reply function that you can turn on or off with us, but it will allow you to meet Google's best practices, which is when someone leaves you a review, you're giving them an automatic reply or a custom reply. You'll have at your discretion how you want that to work.


And then if I can get my mouse air, there we go. Tier three. I promise, Kendall, I can do this. Is where we do everything in tier two and now we're doing more. So now we're doing four pieces of optimized content, existing content on your website. And then we also are going to be authoring one new page to your website.


So really what you're getting is five retooled pages of your content. So if you fast forward 12 months, it's 60 pieces of content that are now finely tuned for SEO performance. This is the way to channeling my Inner Mandalorian. This is the way to become highly visible and dominant in your marketplace. And we're also now going to be working on offsite SEO.


We're going to be going into your vendors in various places on the internet where your business is listed in directories to clean up and ensure that you're getting those quality link backs. Quick explanation there. Your website has something called a domain authority and Sony has a higher domain authority. Lutron has a higher domain authority. Control Four higher domain authority. So you want those websites to link back to you. And if you do that, it's good for you. It pulls your website up.


Real quick, in case you're thinking about your website, I just, I don't want to scare anybody. For many of you, your existing website is just fine, and it can simply be retooled. So thus, I'm letting you know that we can evolve your web presence versus the necessity for a revolution. You may or may not need a brand new website. So I don't want you to think to improve the way you're showing up and to make you more competitive.


It does not mean you got to put down a lot of money for a website. That said, you might want a new website. And of course, we'd be happy to talk to you about that. But it is not a requirement to go about, by default, to go about improving the way you're showing up online.


We appreciate all of you. We're going to hang around, I think, for some questions if anybody has any. And I realized we forgot to introduce Rebecca, who's on the call here. Rebecca, do you have questions for us today? Rebecca: Hi, everyone. There are some questions that have come in. And as Kendall said, we'll stick around. So if anybody else has any, please feel free to drop them in the Q&A section. We did have a question from Brian. Rebecca: Brian says that I am an existing digital marketing client with you. I'm doing four blogs a month. Should I stop doing blogging now and do SEO instead?


Panel, do you want to take that or do you want me to?


Go ahead, Ron.


Okay. The short answer is for digital marketing clients. And hi, Brian. Thanks for tuning in. Digital marketing and the efforts that we've been practicing at One Firefly, the content that's been getting produced has multiple very critical roles and one role that is now diminished.


The critical roles is it's allowing us to activate an email strategy and what's called content marketing, the outreach to your customers and your referral sources. And the blogging strategy allows us to activate a digest summary email newsletter that we're sending out for you, Brian. And so the idea that content and what we're now calling impact content, because it's allowing us to make an impact through content marketing, it's very important.


Additionally, when traffic's going into your website, it's giving the visitor on your website a lot of really great educational content to consume. So it's increasing something in marketing speak called time on site. It's allowing that visitor to have the reason and the purpose to stay on your website, which is a good indicator that they are more likely to convert, which is pretty cool.


That said, if your driver is you want to be driving the visibility of your business on page one of search, those 500 word blogs are likely to have less of an impact now in 2024 than they had in 2023. And so it depends on what your intent is, what outcomes we want to produce from spending money on this thing called marketing.


At One Firefly, we advise that you spend in the 2 to 5% of your projected revenue. So I would first of all just back up, Brian, look at where are you at with your revenue, where are you at with your total spend, both with One Firefly and with all other, you know, the home shows and the vehicle wraps and all the other activities that you're doing.


If you're like many integrators, you're not even at 2%. So what that likely means, it seems reasonable and logical that we would keep a content strategy in place, and then we would add an SEO effort. Within an SEO effort, we're going to be either optimizing the content on your existing website and/or your blogs and converting that into long form high performance SEO content. And/or we're going to be adding long form high performance content into your website.


And those are going to be the drivers, as well as hitting the integrated approach to SEO so that we're raising the trustworthiness of your website in the eyes of Google, then that is what we would call best. And in fact, that is what we've seen so far this year as our customer base has been coming on board with SEO. They've likely been maybe fine-tuning digital marketing, if that feels right, and then adding the appropriate level of SEO.


So it's not so much, do I do this or this, but it's do I do this and how much of this do I do? And we'd be happy to help you brainstorm that in a one-on-one chat. Sorry, Rebecca, for the long answer. Rebecca: No problem. It was a great answer. We have another question coming in from John. John says that he has been working with another SEO agency for several years now paying about $200 a month and wants to know how does he know if this is if they're doing the right types of SEO for him and what we're going to be able to do as well.


Kendall, you want to give that a stab and then I'll add any color commentary?


Sure. You know I think like the slide I mentioned, the world of SEO has changed and the world of SEO has evolved. My high level reaction, $200, I'd be very curious to see what they're doing on an ongoing basis. But my recommendation whenever you're talking about to an existing marketing partner, whether it be us or somebody else that you're working with, is one, always make sure you have ownership of your analytics.


So you likely have some sort of tracking on your site in order to track the success, how many visitors are coming to your site. One, make sure you own that. We always give our clients. It's our practice that we want our clients to own their own data. And then to be looking into that data, see what's going under, try to understand the scope of what's being executed month to month. You see our packages have this nice laundry list of things because there's a lot of different elements that make up Google's algorithm and have an impact on your visibility.


So I would just say make sure to get that scope. Make sure to look at your analytics. If you want help deciphering it, if you want a third party, we're happy to do that. We do that with plenty of customers. I love it when people bring me data because data is data. If they're doing a good job, we'll tell you, hey, you got a good thing going. If they're not, we can make recommendations. How is that, Ron?


Perfect. I'd add not a word.


Sounds good. Rebecca, any other questions? Rebecca: Awesome. We do have one more question that came in. It's from someone who said you guys mentioned Google Business Profile earlier. I actually was searching for my company's profile while you were giving the webinar. And I realized I have two locations listed and I don't really know how to change anything. Can you guys help with that?


We can. As a service, we have something called Review Champ here at One Firefly, which is where we have a piece of software. You can buy it a la carte, sign up, use it a la carte, or it also is a part of our SEO packages because of the importance of reviews. But if you're engaged with One Firefly with Review Champ, then as a courtesy, we'll go in and actually configure your Google Business Profiles, one or multiple, you know, based on what we consider best practice as a one-time effort. And we'll also help make sure that they're properly connected and working and up to date.


Because ultimately, we want you driving reviews from your clients, your happy clients, into those profiles. Because as a signal to Google, that is so critically important here in 2024. So its reviews are more important than most integrators in this industry realize. And the exciting news for you folks still tuned in and watching and listening is most of your peers do not know this and are not paying attention.


And so if you take an active stance to driving reviews, you're going to significantly increase your visibility across search. And it is actually one of the least expensive, highest impact marketing strategies you could implement. So that's how we do it as a service. And then depending on more broadly, maybe you don't want to sign up for services with us, but you'd still want to chat about it. Reach out. And if we can offer some quick direction, we'd be happy to do so.

Ron Callis is the CEO of One Firefly, LLC, a digital marketing agency based out of South Florida and creator of Automation Unplugged. Founded in 2007, One Firefly has quickly became the leading marketing firm specializing in the integrated technology and security space. The One Firefly team work hard to create innovative solutions to help Integrators boost their online presence, such as the elite website solution, Mercury Pro.

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