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Unlock New Opportunities at Light It Up Expo

Join us on this episode to look out for the preview of the upcoming Light It Up Expo. Discover what makes this event a must-attend for anyone in the landscape lighting industry.

This week's episode of Automation Unplugged we’re bringing you Ryan Lee, Owner of Landscape Lighting Secrets.

About this episode:

Ryan is the driving force behind Landscape Lighting Secrets, a thriving community helping businesses level up their outdoor lighting business game. He’s also the host of the highly regarded podcast Lighting for Profits. Together, we’ll dive into what makes this upcoming expo a must-attend event for anyone passionate about landscape lighting and exterior fixed and holiday lighting.

We’ll talk about the opportunities waiting for you at the expo, from hands-on learning to inspiring panels, and why this event could help catapult you into the landscape lighting business in 2025. Stick around as we uncover what’s in store and how you can be part of this exciting movement.

In the episode, we’ll cover:

  • About landscape lighting industry insights and trends.
  • Preview of the upcoming Light It Up Expo.
  • Looking for opportunities and how to elevate your business for 2025.

SEE ALSO: Show #288: Debunking SEO Myths: Expert Insights with Jordan Littman



Hello. Hello there. Ron Callis with another episode of Automation Unplugged. And I'm excited to bring you a returning guest. And in this case, this guest was on just about a year ago, but we have a super, , a super good, I don't know if that's good English, a super good reason To bring, , to bring him back on.


And we're going to tell you all about it. , but, , I'm bringing back Ryan Lee. Ryan Lee is the owner of landscape lighting secrets. They are an education platform and community for those looking to grow their business and outdoor lighting. And he's also the host of the World renowned podcast, which is lighting for profits.


And , I hope he loves that buildup. It's a great podcast. I actually, I'm a listener of Ryan's podcast. He brings on great guests and , he always has fun. And , I always learn something when I listen to his show as well. So let me go ahead and bring him on. And , let me do that now. Ryan, how's it going, sir?


What is up, Ron? Thanks for having me, man. It's a pleasure. It's an honor to be back.


Yeah, man. We had you on show 261. And , that was last March. So like we're, we're almost at a year, actually like 10 months, something like that, 10, 11 months. And , it was, it was to be exact. It was March 20th. So for folks that want to learn in typical automation, unplugged format, like the deep story about your background, , I'm going to recommend they go listen to that show because today we're going to be talking about a couple of very specific topics.


But, , just as a reminder for our guests, , where are you coming to us from? And, , I guess if you want to expound on, , your platform, landscape lighting secrets or your podcast, please do so.


Cool. Yeah, I love it. I can't believe it's been almost a year because it feels just like a few months ago, actually.


But so, yeah, Ryan Lee here. I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had a landscape lighting business in Texas for 12 years from 2007 to 2019. I sold that business and then I was like, now what am I supposed to do with my life? It's not like I made generational wealth. It was a good business. We were making, you know, a few million dollars a year, but I still had to figure out what I want to do with my life.


And I had a lot of people asking me about like, how did you do that? Like, surely you did something else you didn't just do. Outdoor lighting. I'm like, no, that's all I knew how to do. I wanted to do home automation, but I wasn't smart enough, whatever it was. Right. And so I ended up starting this crazy company.


I had this idea that I could help people and it's landscape lighting secrets. So yeah, now I get to tell people, I help people make millions of dollars with outdoor lighting and it's, it's true. And it's awesome.


How's, how's the business been for you over the last year? How was 2024 for you and, and your, your, your customers or the folks that you work with?


Yeah, it is kind of an interesting year because we're starting to kind of separate the pack a little bit after the, you know, the COVID years, everyone turned into a superhero. Like I don't need help with business. I can sell anything. And, , we still actually grew that year as a community. But now we have a lot of people coming back and saying, you know what?


I thought I knew a little bit more about business. I think I might need some help. I need some more leads. I need help closing deals. It's not the same economy that existed before. , and so our, our business is up and I, and I can, I see it going to in the future continually going to rise because it's not just a matter of like me telling you like, here's what's wrong with your business and what's the, what's wrong with you.


Like the reason I called it community is because that's what it is. And you know, I used to be this lone wolf, like I would never have listened to podcasts. I mean, and gone to events and stuff like that. I just thought, you know, like I've got so much pride, like no one's ever done this. I'm going to do this.


And that's. That sucks. Like it's really hard. It's very long. Yeah, but now, man, it's so cool. Like in our community, we have people that are brand new to landscape lighting, but they're bringing in so much energy and passion and fire and ideas that some of these old dogs. just were like on their heels and didn't really need it.


So it's not just me having to like to provide information. It's us helping each other and, and we can lean on each other when we have down times and what's, how's that guy having a record year in 2024 when this has been the hardest year I've had in a decade. Right. And so some people are down in 2024 and I've got clients that It's they're having their best months ever.


I'm curious, just in that dynamic of, of some businesses rocking it. And some, in some cases it's because of them. And in some cases, maybe it's geographically where they are in the country, are there scenarios on your platform where that person is then interacting with that person that's struggling and they're able to dialogue or mastermind together?


You know, are they, what is it like for that? You know, that. Person that's getting it done. We all know business goes up and down. So it doesn't mean it'll always be like that, but that person then interacting with the person that's struggling, do they talk directly or is it you or your coaches always as the inner intermediary?


And I know I just used the dirty word coaches and you don't like that word, but you and your team, how does that work?


Yeah, I don't know what, I mean, coaching is a good thing. It's just as it's, as time has gone on, I think it's turning into more of a dirty word, like a. Used car salesman, you know, , but no coaching is great.


Yes. To answer your question, that happens all the time. And when I started, I had all this pressure of like, can I deliver? Like, can I, I know, I know I did it for myself. Like I grew a business to multimillion dollars, but could some, could I really help someone else? I don't have that pressure anymore because of what you just mentioned.


And I thought everything was going to be like, if we facilitated a phone call and there was a zoom call on cells, then that would be your chance to ask a question about cells. Every single week I'll get on a call with someone or even in some of these group calls and they're like, Oh yeah, I just got off the phone with so and so, Oh, I just got a phone and they're exchanging numbers and they're helping each other even outside of our community, you know, and it's in our, in our community, but the formal organized.


you don't have to be present for every conversation happening.


Exactly. I'm like, Oh, this feels so good. And a lot of my friends and family who don't know what I'm doing, they think they know what I'm doing, but they don't really know what I'm doing. They're like, well, isn't that scary? Because now they don't need you. Like, they have each other's phone numbers.


Okay. And then what, like, yeah, that does not matter. Like, I don't even think about that because we facilitate these conversations. We, we give them strategy, we give them other things. And so I love it. I freaking love it. When I hear them saying, Hey, I just got off the phone with so and so. And I found out he was doing this type of marketing strategy where he was doing this.


I'm going to start doing that. I'm like, I kinda get the credit for that because I brought them together, but I wasn't smart enough to, to share those things. I didn't know, like he's the one with the active lighting business.


So I ran into you or you ran into me back in , September of 23 at CEDIA.


That's right.


You were walking the show and we went through a little bit of that in the show back in March last year. But you, you were really introduced to this idea of this, obviously this big show with all these integrators and manufacturers. , And, and we talked about that and your vision, , I've even had you on a few guest panels at different industry events, including light of Palooza last year, talking to integrators.


So just bring it forward now that we're, we're connecting, , You know, almost a year and a half after you were kind of first introduced to the CDF community. How are you, you seeing the integrator, the technology contractor business interact with your community of landscape lighting professionals? Is it, is it happening?


Are there partnerships and collaborations happening? Is there still a lot of room for that to continue, to happen further? And for those, those different groups , to help each other participate on projects together.


All right. So here's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


The reason I went to CEDIA was because I was like, okay, how do I, I'm always trying to think of angles I can help my clients.


So I'm like, if I can partner with marketing people that will help them get leads for less or more effective or higher quality clients, all that stuff. But I went to Cedia at first because I was like, okay, how do I tap into this integration community, these integrators and get them to refer my clients?


That was like, I just wanted them because my clients are really bad at networking and they're afraid to go talk to people and they don't know how to build relationships. And I, and I know that the way to grow a business is through collaboration. And so I was like, well, if I can go there, maybe I can get in with some of these bigger firms and say, Hey, I've got clients on standby.


These are. People that know how to do design, they know how to do installs. They will take care of your customer, give them the best warranty. And I just want you to refer to them and they'll give you a piece of the pie. They'll give you 10% for doing nothing. I mean, just giving them a name and a phone nber to your client.


But when I got to Cedia, like my, my, my mind was blown. I was like, wait, what is happening here? Like, I didn't even know this industry was so big and massive. And I started to see kind of a bigger vision of opportunity , for integrators. And I was like, wait a minute. Like These guys are the pinnacle, they are at the pinnacle of opportunity for outdoor lighting.


Like when someone has a relationship with an integrator, a homeowner, they control everything. They now control the shade. I'm not sure they


all would agree, but they, they do have a lot. They might think the interior designer has all the control or that's actually true.


Yes. The interior designer, you like bow down, you know, but I, when I, I guess I don't have a lot of control.


Fair enough.


I'll say the technology control, they could hit a button and like disable someone's life


or from their phone. What? You didn't pay your bill.


Yes. That's what I mean in terms of manipulation and control. Yes. Interior designers, they win. We all have to bow down to them.


Yeah. So again, tell me that, that, that relation, where does it stand right now? Are you seeing those relationships form?


Yeah. So here's where we're at. So when I'm at that show, I'm thinking, okay, well, it's not just about them referring, like, why don't some of these integrators actually do the lighting and the, here's kind of the short end of it.


A lot of people have been afraid. A lot of integrators are like excited about it. They're like, no, I see the, see the opportunity. I could see how I could go do a 50, 000, 100, 000, 200, 000 landscape lighting project, but they're afraid of like design. They're like, well, I mean, how do I figure out what lights to go where and, and, you know, who's going to install it?


My guys don't want to trench. You know, so there are, there are some, some hurdles to overcome. And if that's the case, it's like, well, just reach out to me. I'll connect you with a pro in your area. You guys can collaborate. They'll do the design, they'll do the install, but you should pay attention and not just refer it off.


Maybe you should kind of shadow them to learn it over four or five, six jobs. And then you can make that decision. Is this something that we want to go all in on? Do we want to do a whole lighting division? And I would say where we're at Ron is like. I would say we're like one 10th of a percent of my goal.


Like very, we've gotten very little traction because. It's hard. It's easier to not start something new.


There's a lot of opportunity in front of us.


Yes. And you know, the difference is that people see it as a risk. They don't see it as an opportunity. When we measure backwards 10 years from now, people are going to go, Oh my gosh, I took this opportunity. I ran with it. I made millions of dollars right now. It's like, well, if I do that, then I can't do something else.


It's just, it's still seen as a risk, you know, like you said, we've done some panels, we've done some stuff and we do have some traction. I know the potential and we're, we're not even close.


Well, that's marketing one on one, right? It takes repetition. Yeah. So here we are, you know, repeating maybe some of the themes or messages.


And so I, I, I am coming back. I, you weren't able to make it this year, but I'm coming off of attending light of Palooza. So I was there with my team. , actually I'll put here on the screen. I know a lot of folks are listening to this through their podcast. , but for those that are watching the screen, maybe on LinkedIn, This is the Lightapalooza website.


, again, we were just there. It was a great conference with education. It was over at, , it was January 20th through 23rd at the Hilton, , in a totally in Dallas. And , it was just awesome. You know, One Firefly was proudly there, Amplify People, our hiring business was also there. It was a, it was a great conference.


And so the question for you. If you are holding a conference. So, you know, drum roll, please. That's the big news so you have a conference coming up and that conference is next month. It's going to be, , I'm actually going to pull it up now. I'm going to pull up the webpage. And so this is the, , here I'll, I'll reload the page.


So this is light it up expo February 28th, through March 1st. And , there you are on the webpage. It looks like your people click on that. They'll hear you talk about the value prop. Talk, talk to us about this conference and why folks that are potentially watching or listening to this should consider heading over to Orlando at the end of February in order to attend your conference.


And what is different? Maybe they went to light a palooza. And so what would they gain by attending your conference?


Yeah. And I, yeah, unfortunately I couldn't make the dates work for Lightapalooza this year. I'll definitely be there next. I went there the last, , maybe the last couple of years, I think.


Great event. I mean, well, anyone who's been there knows that it's, it's, it's an epic event. This different Light It Up Expo is really designed. It's specifically only exterior lighting. So we don't have any interior, which I think Lightapalooza is really heavy on. You know, the lighting, the controls, all that stuff.


This is exclusively landscape lighting, holiday lighting, and permanent lighting, which is like the color changing , roofline type style stuff. That's just catching on like wildfire. A lot of people love that stuff. So. What we're doing is we're bringing all these three industries together. So if you want to bolt on landscape lighting to your business and you're like, yeah, I mean, it sounds cool.


I've heard of it. I've even had clients ask me, but I don't know how to design it. I don't know how to install it. How would I even price it? That's why you'd want to come to Light It Up Expo. We have an entire breakout just to answer all those questions. , it's a hands on. So we'll have fixtures there, transformer wire.


We'll show you how to like do everything. , the hardest part is not learning how to install it. The design is a little bit tricky, but we'll go over that stuff. And then really it's like, how do I do this in a way that's profitable for my company? So we're going to teach you those pricing strategies that we teach the sales process, how to get the high quality leads.


So that's what's different about it. And if you already know landscape lighting, or you just want to level up your business, maybe you've already done a couple of jobs. This is the place to be. , and then same thing for holiday lighting. There's a breakout on holiday lighting. There's a breakout on permanent lighting.


So we're going to have speakers. We're going to have our vendor hall, which is going to be amazing. Just so much opportunity to network. And almost like we were talking about earlier with, with our community, as proud as I am about the content portal and the stuff that we put out, the magic happens with like the hallway discussion.


So Light It Up Expo is going to be amazing. Our, our speaker lineup, our training. But nominal, but what's going to happen is you're going to run into Ron talk. You might not even be talking about marketing. You might be talking about something else. It's going to inspire some ideas and change the trajectory of your life or your business.


That's where the magic happens at these shows.


Where, where would we see the full lineup of speakers or when, when is that planned to be released? And then the same for manufacturers or vendors that are going to be there.


So, , we do have a page, I'll probably have to send it to you in the link for the vendors.


We can add it to the show notes as well, but there is a link with all of those details.


Well, when you say all of those details,


many, most of those details, some of those details,


yes. All the vendors. Yes. I am notorious for changing things. So like we had a whole lineup. Okay. Ron, we had like, here's the agenda.


Here's the speakers. And then all of a sudden I had another idea and then I talked to a friend and now we're like. We got more breakouts. We got more speakers. It keeps growing. It's it's evolving. So we have almost what you're asking for.


All right. Well, so you will provide that to my team. We'll get that, , dropped onto the page, this show. here, I'm going to pull this off the screen. , let me do that and then I'll bring you and I here,


I'll give you a highlight though, just to highlight.


We have, we have a marketing panel, which one firefly is part of. So it's, and it's not just one firefly, it's a panel. So you're going to get, , different answers.


You're going to get, you know, different suggestions, different perspective


No, we're always big fans of lots of voices.


We have, , Dan Plata, who is, , he's one of our coaches, but this guy is a super smart financial nerd. So he makes it fun though. Like he's drinking a beer as he's talking about bookkeeping and stuff like that.


He, he relates to everybody. , as opposed to just some old dude that's just talking about PNLs and stuff like that. So he's awesome. We've got, , Josh Latimer, who was a coach of mine that I paid. I mean, I paid him 50 grand last year just to, to be my coach, super smart, , marketing guy. And then, , Bennett Grove, this guy, , started another industry.


He started the largest privately owned junk removal business and then had a huge, huge exit. He's going to talk to us about how to build your business for exit. And some people were like, well, I don't want to, well, he's going to talk about why you should care about that. And I'm always like, build your business.


Like you're going to sell it and then don't sell it. I


I'll reverse that. I'll say. I like to build my business so that it's the business I would love to keep and that someone else would love to buy.


Nice. I like it.


So it's just, you know, build a great business, build a great business.


So anyone who's been around me knows it's not just about the technical, like, here's a light bulb, here's a fixture, like transform, like we're all about growing your business.


And my mission is to help people build a business that works without you. So it's all about time freedom. It's all about building an impact and legacy. So every speaker, no matter what the topic finance sells, marketing is going to be really focused on this message of like, like why we're doing this so that we can build something bigger than us.


We w we're going to have a breakout on, , building your team. So like this lone wolf strategy that I came up with years ago, why it sucks. And like, how do you build culture? And people say, well, I can't find good people. We're going to have a breakout on that. So. Everything is, this is like a business conference disguised as a lighting conference.


I love it. Now, is it, are there also manufacturers, there are trade show components to it, or is it mostly classroom?


Yes, absolutely. And what's cool about the trade show it's manufacturers, vendors, one firefly is going to be there because we're, we're, we're doing a couple of things. Number one, that's where lunch will be served.


So, like, no matter what, there's gonna be some interaction there. We also have, , , Thursday and Friday nights cash bars from 5 to 7 in the vendor hall. So, I think that's such a crucial aspect. I used to do these landscape lighting live training where we'd just teach people landscape lighting, but we didn't have the vendor component.


And, , that's why we switched to light it up. Expo is like, we, we really need that interactivity. I can tell someone like, here's the steps to change your business, but if you're not partnered with a good manufacturer, if you're not partnered with a good marketing company, your results just aren't going to be the same.


Like it's just, it's just science at this point, you know, if you, if you go, you can go get a marketing company for 500 a month and one for, you know, you can spend as little as much as you want, but it's important for me to bring in good partners so that people know like, Hey, we, we've, we've talked to these people.


We have clients that use them, like you can trust them. Your money's going to be an investment with them.


That makes sense. What does it cost to go to the show?


So right now, and I'm one that will raise your, will raise the price. Okay. I've already, I will do that guys, but right now it's 549. It's only 549 to get a ticket.


You get lunch included every day. And you get access to the vendor hall. You get all the speakers, you get all this stuff. , we do have a promo code too, , that's going around. If you guys want to use, it'll say,


yeah, we'll put that in the show notes as well.


It's lit 100 L I T 100. That'll save you a hundred bucks.


If you, if you want to donate more to, you know, light it up expo and you don't like saving money. Then don't use it. And it's just five 49.


Beautiful. And , location of the conference.


I forgot almost the most important part, Orlando, Florida. So I'm in Utah. We just got like four inches of snow and I'm like, this is fun.


Like we went skiing, but I'm also just thinking of like how cool it's going to be to be in Orlando next month. It's February 28th, March 1st, make it a workcation guys. Like bring your family. It's literally at the entrance. Of universal studios. So, , make, you know, write the trip off, bring your family, bring your kids, have some fun.


It's okay to have fun too. I know a lot of us get addicted to work, but. Let your guard down every once in a while.


Are you , are you gonna bring your family? Are you gonna go early or stay late? Or have you figured out those logistics yet?


The plan was yes. Like, I, I literally was like, let's do Orlando.


Cause then it's a workcation. I got four kids and that's the problem. Because we had committed. I got Lindsay. I'm like, so we're going right? Like this is the date. Yep. Yep. Everything's in. Come to find out one has cheerleading and one has dance literally the same time. I'm like, but we, there's that whole


life thing getting in the way.


I know. I'm like, no, we agreed that this wasn't going to get in the way and it's in the way. So no, I'm telling everyone to do it. I'm probably going to go join your family or whoever brings their family.


Hang out with my family. Let's go.


Somebody, if you have an extra ticket, adopt a Ryan Lee


Yes. Love it.


All right. What's the final, , recommendation or not, not recommendation, but argent. For someone listening, they are really focused on growing their business in 2025. And you see landscape lighting as a category where they could do that. And what I'm going to propose is there's two vectors. They want to add it as a category and they want to learn how to get into that business, or they want to learn how to get into that business, but they want to, or they want to do it through collaboration or partnership with other partners.


Are they going to get that from this conference?


Oh, yeah. I mean, that's the whole reason we're doing this. So, if you want to grow your business, there's lots of different ways to do it. But kind of the, the main way is like, let's say you already have something that you, you built and is repeatable.


Like, you could just copy and paste that and go, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm just gonna do it in Orlando, because I'm gonna be there for the expo anyway. So, I'll just start another business there. And that's fine. You guys should explore that. But I would propose almost an easier way to grow your business rather than having to go to a whole new market and have to start building the brand there.


You already have a brand. You already have a client relationship. You have that trust. You can just offer them something new, your existing clients, something new. And that's what landscape lighting opportunity is. And if you don't want to design, you don't want to install, you don't want to deal with the headache.


That's fine. We have someone, we will connect you with someone at this, at this expo to be your partner in your area. And, and you got Michael, well, I don't want to give them all the profit. You, you won't like they will do a profit sharing model with you. And if you decide. Five jobs later that actually you do want to take on that design and install.


That's fine. Like all of our people, we're, we're all about collaboration at the top, you know, competition at the bottom, collaboration happens at the top. So you could potentially get paid to get trained on how to do lighting. And we're not going to be able to do all of that in two days, but it's going to be the start of something special for you.


For sure.


Outside of this conference, Ryan, do you take on businesses outside of, , landscape lighting companies or pure landscape lighting companies into your landscape lighting secrets community?


Oh, yeah. Yeah. And at first, when I launched, I didn't even know that that would be a thing. It was just like, I'll help existing lighting businesses, but we've had so many people saying, Hey, I'm in, I'm a holiday lighting business.


I'm an integrator, whatever it is, a landscaper. I want to bolt this on. What do I do? So we built all the training for that. So we have online training for how to, how to, how to learn design, how to learn install. , and then of course, all the, the, the business stuff that comes along with it. So we're really trying to position this as like a business in a box.


And I, I don't want to like false advertise. Like we're always making, we're not perfect. We're always making improvements, but we're pretty close. Like this, this is like a franchise without a franchise fee. You know, if I help you make a million dollars as a franchise, I'm going to take 8%, I'm going to take my 80 grand.


We are a fraction of that. I mean, we're, we're the next, next best thing without the franchise fee.


I love it. Well, we're dropping this show, , here on January 29th. So everyone has a good, solid. Month in advance to ultimately get their flights, get their hotels, show up, hang out with one firefly, hang out with Ryan.


, I'm assuming Ryan, some of the classes you're teaching yourself, or are you the MC and you're moving around the show, or are you going to be on stage doing some education directly?


I am. I dude, I'm addicted to this stuff. I love it. I get fired up. Anyone who's ever seen me speak. It's, it's my calling. I, I freaking love it.


So I'm going to do that. I'm also helping teach the landscape lighting breakout. So I've got me, I've got a client of mine who's been in my program for several years. He and I are going to tag team that. , so I'm just telling you guys it, the worst case that would happen to this. Like if you're like, I don't know, I have had some clients ask me about landscape lighting.


If the worst case you came to this and you decided you didn't want to do this. At least you would know five years from now that you already explored it. You decided you didn't want to do it. You don't have the regret of. Knowing like, should I have done that? That's how I view things. I'm like, worst case, you're going to make a decision that you don't want to do this.


It's worth $549 to find out.


I love it. Well, we're, we're going to call it there, Ryan. I'm going to put backup on the screen just for anybody that's watching this light it up, expo. com. Also, is there an email address? I see an email here, although I want to get your approval. Is there an email as well as anyone wants to reach out and contact you guys, you and your team?


Absolutely. Yeah. If you have questions, one, you can email us. So it's This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


You said you didn't like the word coaching. It's in your email address.


I know. Well, that was, that was me five years ago.


We got to get you updated. Right. I like it by the way, but I don't see anything wrong with the name.


I know I'm weird. , but yeah, I've evolved, you know, that was me five years ago. Now, now I'm going to have to update that, but now


you're going to, now I pointed it out. Now you're not going to not be able to see that support at. By the way, for those that are actually trying to pay attention, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Is anyone paying attention? I don't know. I think they are. I think they are Ryan. Thank you, my man. Thanks for jumping in here. Thanks for having one firefly. My team, , we, we are excited to be at your conference to support the conference. , obviously hoping to, to meet some new faces, but also ideally we'll see a lot of familiar faces.


If you're out there. On the interwebs and you're watching or listening, , come hang out with us at, at Ryan's conference, meet some new people, learn some new things. And, , you know, as, as my friend Keith from HTSA would say, you know, what's the best that could happen. And, , you make some new friends.


Yeah, I like that.


Love it, Ryan. Thanks for, , thanks for jumping on, man. And, , we're going to see you in a few weeks.


Heck yeah, excited. Thanks for having me on. We'll see you in Orlando.

Ron Callis is the CEO of One Firefly, LLC, a digital marketing agency based out of South Florida and creator of Automation Unplugged. Founded in 2007, One Firefly has quickly became the leading marketing firm specializing in the integrated technology and security space. The One Firefly team work hard to create innovative solutions to help Integrators boost their online presence, such as the elite website solution, Mercury Pro.

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