Home Automation Podcast Episode #101: An Industry Q&A With Alexa and Angel Centeno

In this weeks home automation show of Automation Unplugged, Alexa, and Angel Centeno of SDI Boston share their passion for the custom integration industry from their recent merger with audioDave to their impressive smart home showroom.
This week's home automation podcast features our host Ron Callis interviewing Alexa and Angel Centeno. Recorded live on Wednesday, March 3rd, 2020 at 12:30 p.m. EST.
About Alexa and Angel Centeno
Husband and wife duo, Alexa and Angel Centeno, are the owners of Systems Design & Integration also known as SDI in the Boston area. After working with one of the largest AV integration firms in Orlando, Florida since 2006, Angel founded SDI in 2012. Once Alexa joined shortly thereafter, the company began shifting away from simple TV installations and surround sound projects to implementing complete smart home automation systems and full integrations for larger homes.
SDI was awarded Savant's 2018 Through & Through Award and named Best of Boston in 2019 by Boston Magazine for Smart Home Specialist. Alexa and Angel are one of the youngest businesses in the country to pick up and offer the exclusive McIntosh product line. In mid-2019, they finalized their merger well known Savant integration firm audioDave out of Newton, Mass. SDI’s impressive 6,500 square foot showroom in Needham welcomes builders, designers, and homeowners to experience what technology truly is today and how it can be implemented into the design industry.
Interview Recap
Here are some of the topics Ron had the opportunity to discuss with Alexa and Angel Centeno:
- How they've accomplished running a business as husband and wife
- Their recent merger with audioDave, a company with over 38 years in the industry
- The response from customers and the design trade on their 6,500 sqft showroom
- How they approach Instagram to help build their platform and reach a larger audience
Ron: Hello, there! Ron Callis here with One Firefly here for another episode of Automation Unplugged. This is episode #101. We have broken the century mark. And if you have not already certainly tune in to show one hundred. We did a little bit of celebrating. We're going to keep trucking here, and we're going to keep producing content that you guys are appreciating and valuing with guests that are fun and interesting. Today is no different. Today is Wednesday, March 4th. It is a little bit after 12:30 p.m. EST. We're going to go ahead and jump into our guests. We did this just a few shows ago we had more than one guest on at the same time. And my lovely guest saw that, and they said, "Ron, we are a husband and wife team. Can we come on both at the same time?" And I said, "Absolutely." I'm super excited to bring you, for show #101, we have Alexa and Angel from SDI. That stands for Systems Design and Integration out of Boston. Let's go ahead and bring them into the feed here. Hey guys!
Angel & Alexa: Hey, Ron!
Ron: Thank you for joining me today. Look at this, the three of us.
Alexa: Thank you for having us.
Ron: My pleasure. My pleasure. Actually, just before we went live, Angel was telling me the story of his first impression with One Firefly. Just what was that? It's not good, by the way. What was that statement? You said in terms of when you met us.
Angel: So Alexis couldn't go to CEDIA Dallas, I don't know why. And she told me, "Hey, please make sure to stop by One Firefly. We want to get our website redone, so please stop by One Firefly." I stopped by the booth with no appointment. The wonderful staff received me, but the internet was down.
Ron: All right. We'll just blame the CEDIA trade show floor. That's what it was.
Angel: Yeah. We stuck around, though.
Ron: I want to say you even bought a website.
Angel: Yeah, we did.
Ron: That's funny. That's great. Well, I appreciate that. Our audience has already starting to jump in here, and we got Kris coming to us from the U.K. He says, "Hey Ron!" What's up, Kris? Thanks for joining us. He put his British flag up there. Kris, is it the U.K. or is it Great Britain? Which one is it? What's the difference? Why don't you educate this American audience in the comments? We have Wes, and he says, "Welcome, Alexa and Angel."
Alexa: Thank you.
Ron: All right. Alexa, I'm going to start with you. I always like to get a little bit of background on how you landed in this industry, and then I'm going to do the same with Angel.
Alexa: OK. So my job was to go to school. I went to Northeastern University, and I was going for my undergrad degree. While Angel -
Ron: What did you decide to study in school?
Alexa: Finance. Yes. While I was studying, Angel was already rolling the company. He was doing simple things like TV installations and surround sound systems. I went to school, and then I did some more school and some more. Then I went to get my Masters.
Ron: What did you do your master's in?
Alexa: Taxation.
Ron: And you guys were married while you were doing the schooling?
Alexa: Correct. With little kids.
Ron: So you had tons of free time between all the studying and being entrepreneurs.
Angel & Alexa: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Ron: With a master's degree in taxation, what was your goal? Did you want to be a CPA?
Alexa: I did. Exactly my goal. I worked for a CPA firm, and while working for them, just working with numbers like day in and day out, it was just so boring. I'd call Angel at lunchtime, and he remembers this, I was like "Angel, please can I come work with you? But he'd say it's not time yet. You know, the business hadn't got off yet -
Ron: I bet he was appreciating that paycheck you were able to bring into the house.
Angel: Oh yeah.
Ron: Can I get an amen, Angel?
Angel: Yeah, for sure. That was actually one of our financial strategies. We used to live out of her paychecks and then anything that I will make, we saved it, and that's how we bought our first home.
Ron: When I launched One Firefly or The Firefly Design Group, it's predecessor in '07, my wife worked at a bank. I can tell you we relied on her health insurance and her paycheck to help make ends meet as we were getting that business off the ground, so I can totally relate.
Alexa: I remember with Angel's paycheck, I used to grab whatever he made installing TV's and sound systems and apply it to my tuition payments. That's how I paid for college as well.
Ron: Wow. Just to stay on how you connected into the customer integration space, Angel was doing integration, and I'm going to get that backstory from you Angel in just a second, when did you decide to ultimately go from working at that CPA firm to joining the business?
Alexa: That was about three to four years ago. It just felt like it was time. Angel really had a lot of work going on, he needed the help, and he was either going to have to hire someone or bring his wife. And he chose me.
Ron: That's awesome. Thank you for that. And then Angel, what's your backstory? How did you get into hanging TV's and growing it into what it is now?
Angel: I did a little bit of car audio back in 2004, which I guess a lot of integrators used to do car audio.
Ron: My interview last week was with Lee Travis, and that's what he was saying, he got his start in car audio.
Angel: Right. Then I realized there was no money in car audio, so I used to go to Circuit City a lot and Sounds Good and Tweeter, things like that, and I just always loved being in that store. At this time, I was living in Orlando, and I just went for the big dogs, man. I sent my resume to the largest integrator in the Orlando area, Crown Audio. They took me for an interview and accepted me. To be honest with you, it was one of the happiest days. Nael and Wael, they're great guys. They run a tight ship and know how to do high end. To be honest with you, that was one of the companies we follow on social media and take a lot of inspiration from them and apply it to our own business.
Ron: Great company. That's a great shout out to Crowne Audio in Orlando. I'll have to tag them in the comments. Maybe they'll watch or listen. How did you go from being an employee over at Crowne to starting your own business?
Angel: Yeah, so I'm originally from Boston. I was living in Orlando with Alexa, and she decided that she wanted to go to Northeastern University, which happened to be in Boston. So we moved up here. I worked for a small company, just doing installations and things like that. At the time, my supervisor, shout out to Tony, which I'm pretty sure he's going to be watching this. The company was closing down, so I decided to leave. And then three weeks after, he got laid off, and I told him, "Come and work for me. I don't know how we're going to get paid, I'm being honest," We were doing it out of the back of our car for a couple of months, and then he came to work for us, he's still working with us to this day. A lot of posting a lot of ads, which I'll let Alexa fill you in on that. A lot of referrals. That's kind of how we built the business, just doing installations on weekends when all the other businesses were closed. We would take care of clients that come home at 6:00 p.m. and couldn't be all day to wait for an installer. I was doing that installation at 7:00 p.m, so things like that.
Ron: What is today for SDI? Are you mostly serving the Boston market? What are your typical projects? What do you guys call your normal or ideal types of jobs?
Angel: Well, our normal-sized job would be... We don't really do TV installations or anything like that. There was no profit in that. But if it is a combination of TV installation with home automation and surround sound, that's our typical job. Our typical job will probably be a surround sound in the family room, six rooms of audio with TV's, outdoor network, a lot of lighting. Am I missing something, Alexa?
Alexa: Like he said about setting up a TV installation is that once you have a team in a house all week, they have such strengths in different areas to cover a large home or a medium-size home. We can't really pull them out to do TV installations. We have family and friends and good clients that still ask us to do those, and we do it with no problem. And most of the clients we service are in the Boston area, but we do a lot of work in the Cape Cape Cod, and now with Dave on board, he has clients in Saint Ketts, Florida, Poland. It's definitely a big broad of locations now.
Ron: You brought Dave up, let's talk about that. You guys just recently merged with this other integration firm, audioDave of which the founder Dave Nakayama, was looking for a change in his day-to-day. Before we went live, you brought me up to speed that your vendors actually connected you guys. I always love to dive into mergers or acquisitions as it relates to integrators because I want our audience to know what's possible. How did that work for you guys?
Angel: With audioDave, we would always see them at the Savant Summit.
Ron: Were they a competitor?
Angel: Yeah, they were a competitor. They were down the street from us.
Alexa: But we never saw that we'd compete with them.
Ron: They were a competitor in that they were in your market?
Angel & Alexa: Yeah, yeah.
Ron: But you weren't actively going bid to bid against them often?
Angel: I think if somebody asked Dave at the time if the customer should pick us or audioDave, they'd probably go "audioDave," so he was definitely our competitor. So yeah, I would always see them at the Savant Summit. They're super nice guys. Really, really down to earth. The kind of people that you just go to dinner and probably stay there for like four hours. Do you know what I mean? Just talking about the passion that we have for this industry. I threw a little hint to a vendor that I was looking for a salesperson and also some installers, three weeks pass, and then we found out that that audioDave was looking to merge with somebody. There were a lot of integrators that were interested in.
Alexa: Dave brings up a pretty good book of business.
Angel: Yeah. He has a great book of business. He's been in business for 12 years, his book of business is 38 years because somebody that retired passed it down to him. So this is already a third generation book of business. A lot of businesses wanted to merge with him. He didn't feel right because he just didn't like the people. We had a couple of sit-downs, 6-8 hours, just talking -
Ron: Getting-to-know-you sessions.
Alexa: I call it the Home Depot + Lowes merger.
Angel: What ended up happening is, I mean, its just a group of people that want to be successful. It's a great merger between two great companies that have the same values the same passion and care for customers.
Alexa: Great staff. Very resourceful. We're so much stronger now than we used to be.
Ron: When did the merger become complete? Or what's the timing look like on it?
Alexa: We finalized it last year, but it became final in January of this year.
Ron: Well, congratulations. That's very cool, and it sounds like you guys are going to have some more work to do now that you've gained a salesman on the streets.
Alexa: We didn't gain a salesperson, we gained a rock star.
Ron: You gained a rock star salesperson. That's one hell of a shout out.
Angel: The funny part about mergers, anybody that wants to merge, my advice is - it sounds all nice and pretty until somebody has to do the work. All of a sudden, it's like boom! "OK, what are we doing?" Like what's your plan? You need to have a backup plan. Because you have a multi-million dollar company joining another multi-million dollar company and the two of them together, now is just - it's crazy. I was not prepared for that, to be honest.
Ron: Without getting into too much of the detail, did you guys end up using counsel with legal teams also involved in the negotiations? Or did you guys verbally agree on the deal and then hand it to the lawyers to write down?
Angel & Alexa: We did. Yes. OK.
Ron: I know that when I gained a business partner in 2011 Federico and I talked through everything, we agreed on it, and then we simply brought the lawyers in. As opposed to paying them hourly rates to listen to us learn about each other.
Angel: I wanted to mention, we also got two of their staff. We have an amazing programmer that came from Dave, and his name is Frank. Right now, we're gonna have a warehouse manager named Kyle. That should be coming soon. audioDave right now is still sorta open until June. They're just kind of selling all their inventory.
Ron: There's a transition plan in place.
Angel: Correct.
Ron: Now, I want to address maybe what's on many people's minds. You guys are a husband and wife team, you are working in the same business at the same time, and you both look happy. How are you accomplishing that? Alexa, I'll start with you. How do you think about working with your husband? It sounds like you both clearly have different roles in the business. How do you make that work? You also have three children, and I imagine you guys have very full days.
Alexa: We do. One thing I want to include is that not only do we work together but we drive sometimes together in the same car.
Ron: I want your autograph next time I see you guys.
Alexa: We get along very well. Most of the time we have our business hat on, so we have to talk a lot together, and I kind of have to be close to him because I need information. I don't know if we'd be so successful if he wasn't so close to me. If I had to make phone calls and get information, I wouldn't get the information so quickly. I don't know if it would be the same.
Ron: So it helps you do your job even better because of the proximity.
Alexa: There are some flaws, of course, like any other married couple. Angel hates it when I talk on the speakerphone when we're driving.
Ron: Alexa, I'm staying with you - what is your role within the business?
Alexa: It's funny because before, I used to just wanted to do accounting. My role has transitioned into a completely different role - I actually help Angel design systems! I go to the consultations, and I review proposals. I helped design networks now. I'm really good at that. I can design a whole house. I'm very proud of that!
Ron: That's amazing. That's awesome. So you love all aspects of the business?
Alexa: I do.
Ron: And do you guys have formal titles, like is there a president or a CEO? Oh, I see you got a business card. There might be a title on that business card.
Angel: It says, owner.
Ron: Ah! So you're both owners?
Angel & Alexa: Yeah. Yes.
Ron: All right. I love it. Angel, I'm going to ask you your perspective. How was it working with your spouse in the business, and how do you guys make that work so well?
Angel: Ron, you're putting me on the hot seat.
Ron: Well, yeah, I totally am, and she is watching and listening. It better be good.
Angel: No, working with my wife is great. We have a great relationship. We've been together for a long time, and we have a passion for this business. One of our trade secrets is that we drive together. To some people, that might be weird, and they need their space. If she needs her space, she can just drive her car to work, but we notice that we're more efficient. Also when we go to consults, it is better to have a woman there. You see, if I say "Hey, you should do a 65" TV," I might come out as a strong salesperson, pushy. Versus, if she did it, it comes out like, "Oh, she's a sweetheart, she really cares."
Ron: Oh, interesting. Your experience is that the audience will receive that differently if a female is delivering it versus a male.
Alexa: And I do it out of the experience, like from my own house. For instance, if a client needs lighting control, and they ask, "Well, do we really need it?" I put my own experience using lighting control in my house, having kids, and it's just a different perspective. We sell out of our own personal experiences. Not because we have to sell.
Angel: And then to go back to real quick on the marriage part. We have something in our marriage is kind of like our secret weapon, it's called TWD. If things are not going well and we get into an argument or anything like that, we have something called TWD which is Total World Destruction, we call it. What that is, it's just pretty much whatever argument needs to stop now because we're going to lose money.
Alexa: We lose money. For example, if we stop talking about clients or proposals, we lose money.
Ron: It's a pause button that you both agreed to if there's a heated debate.
Angel: Correct.
Alexa: It's more of a red button.
Ron: I mean I'm envisioning a red pause button. You just don't call it pause you call it TWD.
Angel: So that's our secret.
Ron: Oh that's beautiful. I was just listening. I listened to a podcast called How I Built This. There was recently a husband and wife team and they were interviewing the wife who's the CEO of their business. The interviewer asked them this same question and their answer was, regardless of how heated the argument is or what the topic is or where they are at, they will - and this sounds so crazy, they will both stop, they will call it out, lay on the ground, hold hands, turn the lights off and talk through it.
Angel & Alexa: Oh, wow.
Ron: They said that you can't do that and not help but just break into a barrel of laughs, which usually breaks the ice over any argument.
Alexa: That's true.
Ron: There you go. You have my authorization to try that out and tell me, but it sounds like maybe you guys don't need that right.
Angel: Going back to the husband and wife, to emphasize a little bit more on that, I truly couldn't run the business without her. Really, I'm being honest. I'm very good at sales, I'm very good at designing things, but she puts these touches into the proposals that really take it over the top. We've got a lot of feedback from customers about things like that, and I'm happy that she works - that I work for her.
Ron: There you go. You've been ordained CEO Alexa. You heard it here first.
Alexa: We love having you, Angel.
Ron: That's beautiful. Well, I want to now talk to you guys about your design studio. You're in a new 6,500 square foot showroom. Alexa, can you tell us where you guys are and about the new show space.
Alexa: Yeah. We're Needham, Massachusetts, inside Newton Kitchen Design. It's a beautiful kitchen showroom. We went inside the showroom to incorporate technology everywhere. Instead of opening the show all by ourselves we met a beautiful couple who's also husband and wife team, and they run a kitchen design center. We just brainstormed, and it was just a perfect fit to come together and incorporate technology into the kitchen. As you have wives looking at the kitchen or vice versa and the other spouse usually wants audio. It was a perfect fit.
Ron: What has the response been with customers or the way you've been interacting with design trade folks? Interior designers, architects, builders - how have they responded to the new space?
Alexa: I think it has been very positive. We've had really good relationships through the years with architects and builders. We just weren't able to show them all the capacity that is possible. They know about the in-ceiling speakers and the TV - OK. What else? Now we're able to show them how everything comes together and how you have an experience. All these products make up an experience. Now to be able to show the architects, designers, builders how their clients can live in a space and incorporate cool things, it's phenomenal. It's been a really positive experience for us overall.
Ron: Angel for you on the front line sales standpoint, are you seeing any change in your clothes rates?
Angel: Yeah, it's been amazing having this showroom. It has really helped us a lot. I was mentioning before. When we decided to open the showroom, we were very big into not just having a bunch of speakers everywhere. There's nothing wrong with you know your traditional way of selling. If you do that more power to you. We wanted to show things that you normally only see at the trade show. We wanted people to touch and feel. Being able to show a customer the tour from the beginning of the showroom to the back of the showroom - we have a kitchen set up, a working kitchen with audio in, and a Seura Hydra TV. Having people envision themselves being here, I mean, it is truly a game-changer for us as a company. We're very passionate about the tour and making sure everybody has a good time when they come here. It's been a positive one having the showroom.
Ron: Awesome. I want to jump through, and I'm mindful of time here. I was with you in Vegas back in January for the Savant Summit. And you guys won the Through and Through award from Savant.
Angel: This year, we won the Advisory Council Award, last year we won the Through and Through award. We were not expecting it. We were told to be there. Through and Through, it's an award that is given to one company out of 750 companies. They only give one a year. What that means is that you understand Savant's vision, you participate in everything that they do, from shades, lighting, remotes, video, audio. You are what the company expects in an integrator in the form of advertisement, in the form of how you handle your business. All these things are compiled together. I didn't think we would ever win that award, but we were really shocked and surprised.
Alexa: You never know!
Ron: Very cool. I noticed that you guys had a two-channel environment with McIntosh and Sonus Faber. I know that is not an easy line to pick up, and you guys got the line. How did you make that happen? What are you able to share with our audience here in terms of what that means to you guys?
Alexa: Privilege to begin with.
Angel: They said no. Then they said no. And I'm not kidding. I'm not trying to be funny. They said no like four times.
Alexa: It wasn't the right time.
Angel: It wasn't the right time. Then we invited them to the showroom, and then they started taking pictures, and they said, "Well, maybe."
Ron: The showroom helped open the door?
Angel: Yeah, for sure.
Alexa: It's one thing talking about having the line, and it's one thing actually having clients who could use the product. As soon as we got the line we already had clients lined up for this product. Because I mean it just sells for itself.
Ron: It's interesting, doing marketing for integrators that brand the McIntosh brand is really a powerful brand name in terms of Internet search. The consumers over the years that have you know fallen in love with that brand, they will seek it out. If they're in a new city or they've moved, they're going to seek out the resellers that are representing that brand locally. It's great and powerful for lead generation, and I've seen that for many of our customers. How many people in the Boston market represent that brand?
Angel: We are the closest dealer to the Boston area, that I know of. There are only two dealers within a 30-mile radius, which is another dealer and us.
Ron: Wow, that's amazing. Congratulations!
Angel & Alexa: Thank you so much.
Angel: We were told that we are one of the youngest dealers in the whole United States for McIntosh, by a few years.
Ron: Well, I imagine. You're running a great growing successful, profitable business, and you've further invested in the vision of having a beautiful place for the design community and your customers to come. I mean, that's a big investment on your part, and it sounds like McIntosh is then further investing in you. That's amazing. And your Instagram, I'm not doing this for you guys, you're managing this yourself. This is your initiative, and you guys are doing an amazing job. How do you view Instagram as a channel to grow your brand? How are you thinking about that, and then how are you getting it done?
Alexa: I feel like a lot more people are on Instagram nowadays than Facebook. Instagram is not just putting anything on there daily; we really put thought behind each post. Who is the audience, and what message are we trying to relay to people? And just sharing our awards and experience. And there's so much to share. I feel like we only share like 30% on Instagram than what actually happens in the company. But we do our best to share to keep everyone informed of where we're going, what we do, and the amazing projects we work on.
Ron: Tell me about your hashtag strategy. It looks like you're pretty effectively putting hashtags into your post. How do you guys think about that and what hashtags do you use?
"Instagram is very powerful, and it's working together you share others, others will share you. It's a community helping each other."
Alexa: Usually, I come up with them myself. Then I also do a lot of marketing webinars hosted by our vendors, and they also recommend very popular hashtags to use, so I implement them as well. And we have a good following. I have to say it's also a lot about our followers sharing our profiles with others, and that's how we're successful too. Let's say someone in the industry will hashtag us or will tag us to another builder, and then that builder will start working with us. We recently acquired an amazing builder on Instagram because someone was able to share our profile with them. Instagram is very powerful, and it's working together you share others, others will share you. It's a community helping each other.
Angel: Ron, to tell you a little bit more about that, Instagram for us, we want to show raw. Do you know what I mean? We want to show that we're doing regular homes, we're also doing big houses, the littlest thing that calls our attention, we want to show it. And you know all these little things that we do, customers like. We get a lot of feedback from that. We just like to show us, the guys, where we are, the job sites. We're big into showing our vendors, the kind of brands that we're doing, and things like that. I don't have anything to do with Instagram. That's just all Alexa.
"I think that authenticity is really the magical ingredient and just being raw and real and authentic."
Ron: I think that authenticity is really the magical ingredient and just being raw and real and authentic.
Alexa: You have to put your passion into it; no one can teach you how to do it. You just have to have a passion behind each post and why you're posting that post. And it has to look good.
Ron: I would add what you're doing very effectively is you're using minimal use of stock photography. I think I only saw one stock image, and these are all you guys your projects your life. Your fans, your customers, and those that love and support your business they want that regular pulse of an update from your business. It would not necessarily be accomplished if you were posting a bunch of fake stock images.
Alexa: That's true.
Ron: It's not so sincere. I think you guys are doing a great job of that.
Alexa: Thank you.
Ron: Which is very cool. I want to close with this, a lot of our audience are integrators around the world, and they are. They're hungry for input from those that have figured some things out. And I think if you look at our collective knowledge, if we all contribute and try to help each other out, there's just a tremendous amount of good ideas to implement in business to help your business grow. Alexa, maybe I'll ask you for one and Angel ask you for one - what's a recommendation for other integrators that are listening that might benefit from doing something a little bit better a little bit differently in your mind?
Alexa: One of my things will be to never be afraid of another integrator. Be friends with other integrators. Don't think of them as competition. There's a lot to learn from and to get inspired. Pick someone, be inspired by them, follow their footsteps, see what they're doing. Of course, do it in your own way, but make sure you get inspired and just continue on with that. Network with integrators and continue being friends with them.
Ron: Awesome. Love it. Angel?
"The biggest thing for me, and advice that I can give anybody in this business is to be passionate about this industry, be passionate, be open-minded to new opportunities."
Angel: The biggest thing for me, and advice that I can give anybody in this business is to be passionate about this industry, be passionate, be open-minded to new opportunities. I'm just going to say, for example, landscape audio. Be open-minded to that the next level of greatness. Be open-minded to different opportunities. If paper advertising is not working, and Instagram is not working for you, call businesses, go to networking events. That sort of thing is what keeps me and Alexa passionate about this industry. We want to get the next client, and we want to get the next builder. That's my advice. Just stay passionate about this industry.
"I think passion is infectious for sure. Your friends and family and customers and people in your orbit are going to see that passion, and they're going to be drawn to it."
Ron: I think passion is infectious for sure. Your friends and family and customers and people in your orbit are going to see that passion, and they're going to be drawn to it. You guys are clearly a perfect demonstration of that. I'm happy for you guys in your success, and yet I know this is still only the beginning. I want to thank you guys for taking some time to be on episode #101 of Automation Unplugged.
Angel & Alexa: Thank you so much!
Angel: Thank you. Ron, we appreciate it.
Alexa: We had a blast.
Husband and wife duo, Alexa, and Angel Centeno have a true passion for the custom integration industry, which shines through in their work and online presence. Their recent merger with audioDave and impressive showroom offers plenty of insight and inspiration for our listeners and viewers.
Ron Callis is the CEO of One Firefly, LLC, a digital marketing agency based out of South Florida and creator of Automation Unplugged. Founded in 2007, One Firefly has quickly became the leading marketing firm specializing within the integrated technology and security space. The One Firefly team work hard to create innovative solutions to help Integrators boost their online presence, such as the elite website solution, Mercury Pro.
Resources and links from the interview:
- Crowne Audio in Orlando
- How I Built This - NPR Podcast
- Newton Kitchen & Design Partnership
- Best of Boston 2019 Award
Want to learn more about Alexa and Angel? Visit their website at: sdiboston.com. You can also find them on social media! Follow them on Instagram at sdiboston and Facebook at Systems Design & Integration!
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