A Quick Guide To AV Company Trifold Brochures
Learn How To Use Trifolds To Your Advantage
There is no doubt that brochures are an excellent marketing option for companies or businesses that are looking to spend a small amount of money for a big amount of exposure. But if we start to look into the vast world of the brochures, we are going to realize that there is a wide diversity of brochures out there to choose from. Our final decision will ultimately depend on our objectives and the content we are planning to include.
In this blog, we go over the basics of trifold brochures and provide some insight on the best ways that AV and automation companies can use them to boost sales.
What Is A Trifold Brochure?
The trifold brochure stands out among other printed marketing materials mainly because it’s made of one sheet of paper, 2 folds and 6 panels that will allow you to fit in the maximum amount of information, pictures and graphics, thanks to its extension.
They are more complete than a bifold, offer much more space for text than a flyer, and are much easier to distribute than a poster.
SEE ALSO: The Importance of Creating the Right Logo for Your Brand Identity
How Can You Use It?
The trifold is often left with clients and prospects after the initial meeting, giving them an easy way to learn more about your services, your business model, the process you follow, and the packages you offer. You can even talk about your company and how it came to be what it is today.
For example, if you want to inform a client about the services you offer, you could provide brief and optimized information about what it offers to the market, technical characteristics, best uses, descriptive images, ways to buy or hire or even testimonials from satisfied customers.
What Are The Advantages?
Extension in One Size: One sheet of paper, two folds and 6 panels that will provide you with enough space to inform clients about whatever it they will find most interesting about your company.
Easy to Distribute: Think of trifolds as extensions to your business cards. If your business card provides the name and the number of your company, the trifold will provide the face of your company.
Relevant and Useful Information: Let your website be the main source of complex and thorough information about your company and let the trifold be the 5-minute pitch.
Limitless Production: If the information is still relevant, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Just keep printing year after year.
Low Price: Compared to other marketing products, the trifold brochure is cost effective when trying to give your company a little push.
Attractive and Modern: Trifolds are more than just templated pieces of printed material. When done correctly and with the help of professionals, your trifold brochure could look and feel like a state-of-the-art website.
DIY Or Professional?
If you have someone on staff with a knack for design and writing and the time to devote to creating the content, then it’s possible to do trifolds in-house. On the other hand, with a professional working on your behalf, you’ll get to take advantage of their knowledge of text balancing, image selection, use of color, overall distribution, fonts, types of paper and modern designing.
Leave your potential clients with something to keep your company top of mind. If you would like to learn more about One Firefly’s trifold creation services, please contact us by calling 877.334.1144 or using the live chat window at the bottom of the page.