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Catch up on the latest industry marketing news, dive deeper into marketing strategies and best practices, and get our best digital marketing insights below. We post often, so come back regularly to continue learning!

One Firefly Presents: The Power Of Personalized Video

We’re weeks away from bringing our new industry-focused, turnkey video services solution to market

In 2022, video is the fastest growing and most effective channel for attracting and keeping the attention of your prospects and customers online. One study reports that 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. Furthermore, 84% of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

At One Firefly, we have a long history of producing and deploying professional, beautiful video content on our clients’ websites. And this year, we’re taking the next step in video marketing with a new, long-awaited product launch: personalized video production services. 

Within the next few weeks, we’ll be launching an industry-focused, turnkey video services solution to help technology companies easily fund, create, and obtain high-quality, unique video content of their teams, projects, and showrooms to display on their websites. We’re bringing the production and management of the entire process under one roof and will fully manage every step so that you don’t have to. 

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Humans: The Irreplaceable Ingredient in the Age of AI

Over the last few months, AI has become the new hot topic everyone’s buzzing about; whether we like it or not, it’s become a transformative force reshaping how we do business. The marketing landscape has undergone a profound transformation from strat...

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Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

ADA Compliance Helps You Avoid Penalties While Boosting Audience Reach and Engagement

Connecting with potential customers online is pivotal in today's economy, where 85 percent of consumers conduct online research before purchasing. As you optimize your digital presence, there are a few well-known best practices: a mobile-friendly website, fast speed times, and search-engine-optimized content.

You likely don’t know about one thing. And it could be keeping you from reaching as many people as possible. Since the American Disabilities Act passed in 1990, it's gone beyond offering accessibility in physical spaces through things like ramps and Braille signage. In February 2011, the Department of Justice passed its first ADA Standards for Accessible Design, creating guidelines for website accessibility.

Find out how your company website benefits from ADA compliance beyond the legal ramifications and howOne Firefly is stepping up to help clients meet ADA standards.

SEE MORE: 4 Reasons Your Website Needs Secure Hosting And Maintenance

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Google vs. MSN Advertising: Which is Right for You?

Explore the Differences Between the Paid Search Advertising Platforms

A paid search advertising campaign is a great way to stand out in the digital marketplace, offering a direct path to consumers to boost your brand awareness and drive high-quality traffic to your website. The key is a well-tested, continuously optimized strategy that ensures you find the right audience in the right areas while sticking to your budget.

Building the right strategy includes defining the ideal geographies to target and the best keyphrases to capture potential customers. It also includes finding the right platform. Usually, people associate paid advertising with Google since it dominates the market, but businesses are also finding success with MSN ads.

So how do you know which to use or whether a combined effort is best? Our expert SEM team explains what makes these platforms similar, what sets each apart, and how we create the ideal strategies for our clients.

Like a good marketing agency, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn more.   

SEE MORE: Google Ads: Common Objectives

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One Firefly Thought Leadership: Marketing Is Your Insurance Policy

An integrated marketing strategy protects you today, tomorrow, and in the future

Would you feel safe driving your car without car insurance? Would you feel secure running your integration firm without business liability insurance? The answer is probably a very firm “no.” 

The primary purpose of any insurance policy is to protect your person, business, or property against the possibility of a future event that leads to loss or damages. It’s a risk management tool that ensures you have safeguards in place to support you when the unexpected happens. 

Similarly, investing in strategic digital marketing offers you short and long-term benefits that can help your business thrive during the good times, weather the bad times, and maintain an active online presence every day in between. 

Just like your car, health, and business insurance policies are developed with coverages that meet your specific needs, One Firefly can help you find the right services to create an integrated marketing strategy that keeps your business moving forward today, tomorrow, and in the future. 

Like a good marketing agency, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn more.   

SEE ALSO: An Overview of One Firefly’s New Blog Products

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Page Count, Internal Links And Web Crawl: How Do They Relate?

By now you probably know the difference between SEO and content marketing, and how they work together to help you get found online. But just because there is plenty of content, and even if it’s been tailored to specific, relevant key phras...

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Introducing Video Pioneer: A VIP Video Production Service

Learn more about our turnkey solution to bring personalized videos of your people and projects to your website

Here at One Firefly, we’ve been teasing the launch of our brand-new personalized video service for the past few weeks — we hope you caught our livestream on Facebook last week, but if you didn’t, catch up here

And now, we’re almost ready to bring this new service — called Video Pioneer — to market. Video is the fastest-growing type of content in 2022, and personalized video can help custom integrators showcase their people, facilities, and projects in a compelling way and engage prospects and existing clients on their website. Additionally, personalized video is a powerful tool to differentiate your business and stand out in your local marketplace. 

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Video Pioneer: Answering Your Top Questions

We’ve gotten a lot of questions about our new service — here are the answers you’ve been looking for 

After almost a year of researching, gathering feedback from our client base, and moving through the product development process, we’re finally ready to bring our new Video Pioneer service to market. 

Video Pioneer is an industry-focused, personalized video solution designed to help you showcase your unique team, facilities, and flagship projects on your website. In 2022, video is the most powerful branding and marketing strategy that you can deploy to attract new prospects, inspire job seekers, and engage existing customers online. With our new turnkey video service, we’re making it easy to create and obtain professional, personalized video content to display as web headers across your site. 

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5 Reasons Why Social Media Is Such A Powerful Marketing Tool

Don’t Leave Social Media Out of Your Marketing Strategy! Here’s Why.

If there’s one constant thing about life—it’s change. Years ago, if a business wanted to advertise their services to the local area, they’d purchase an ad in the newspaper or run a commercial on the radio or TV.

Today, we can no longer guarantee that your audience is listening to the radio or flipping through channels. Some might be there, but many are not. But what we can guarantee is that most of your current or future customers are on social media.

In fact, half of the world’s population is already using social media, with 11 new people joining every second. You can reach new and existing audiences through organic postings or ads that target users already interested in your industry in your area.

In this article, we’ll look at how sharing on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more can help businesses, and five reasons why you should include it in your marketing strategy.

SEE ALSO: Marketing Horror Stories: I Was Locked Out Of My Own Social Media Accounts

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