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Catch up on the latest industry marketing news, dive deeper into marketing strategies and best practices, and get our best digital marketing insights below. We post often, so come back regularly to continue learning!

Launch Into Digital Marketing With The Affordable Atlas Website Solution

Spend $99/month on your website and use the remaining funds for active digital marketing

In a digital-first era, your company can’t compete in the technology market without a robust and engaging web presence. And in an ideal world, you would have the funding available for an SEO-optimized Mercury Pro website and full suite of digital marketing services to support it. 

But what if the annual marketing budget is just not there? Any amount of research will tell you that a brand-new, custom website could easily surpass your entire budget for the year. If that’s the case, how do you balance funds between a new website and ongoing digital marketing to optimize the budget and achieve a return on investment (ROI)?

At One Firefly, we recognized that many of our dealers face this issue year after year and end up compromising one way or the other. That’s why we created the Atlas Website Landing Page, an affordable website solution that allows you to improve your online presence, invest in active growth strategy, and see measurable ROI from your marketing — all within budget. Keep reading to learn more about the strategy behind Atlas and the feature lineup included in our Atlas solution.

SEE ALSO: The Power of Live Chat: 4 Reasons Your Website Needs a Chat Service

  1122 Hits

Northbay Technology’s Journey From Landing Page To Website

Watch Their Web Presence Transform From “Under Construction” To Sleek And Customized

Starting Somewhere

It’s challenging, even grueling, to compete in the modern market without a website. Many new business owners understand this and scramble to purchase a relevant URL whenever they can. That’s a great start, right?

However, many of them then neglect to actually build a website on that URL. Whether due to lack of time or funds, or even slow website construction, they let their landing page sit for months and months.

Landing pages can be useful: In fact, we admit that it’s better to have a landing page up than nothing at all. But a modest landing page does not replace a website. Why? A lone landing page doesn’t contain enough content to educate your clients, cultivate SEO value or demonstrate your authority in the field.

Helping Northbay Technology

Our featured client, Northbay Technology, found themselves in this suboptimal position. They’d purchased a URL and set up an “under construction” landing page; now they needed a website. They reached out to One Firefly with a few goals in mind. Keep reading to see what those objectives were and how One Firefly exceeded our client’s expectations.

SEE ALSO: Working With a Marketing Agency: An Inside Look From Web Design Professionals

  968 Hits

Working With A Marketing Agency: Interview Part 1 (An Inside Look From Digital Marketing Account Professionals)

Small businesses are continually weighing crucial decisions that will impact their operations, finances, and reputation in the marketplace. Do they need more Sales personnel, do their technicians need better training, do they need to improve their accounting systems? Arguably, one of the more critical decisions for any small business owner is whether or not to commit to marketing as part of their growth strategy. In part one of this article series, we interview a team of Digital Marketing Account Managers to get their inside take on marketing for technology professionals. We'll explore everything from exposing common challenges technology professionals face, to revealing answers from routine questions small business owners have about marketing. Let's get started.

SEE ALSO: Working With A Marketing Agency: Interview Part 2 

  911 Hits

An Online Lead Just Came Through. What Do You Need To Do Next?

Imagine the following scenario: I’m local to your area and am beginning to do some online research on the best home theater companies nearby. I come across your website and am intrigued by what your business has to offer; I submit a contact for...

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  1054 Hits

Guide to Creating a Google My Business Listing

When building a strong SEO strategy, the best place to start is with creating your Google My Business page. Why? Because it’s simple to use, and it’s completely free! After helping a number of our clients with building (or gaini...

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  1709 Hits

How to Create Content Customers Crave

As 2019 is quickly approaching, you as a business owner need to know what your customers want in the new year. There are a million trendy ways you can go about marketing your company, but at One Firefly we like to use tried and true methods of improv...

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  1337 Hits

3 Simple Tips To Expand Your Business’ Reach Online

A Strong Web Presence Is Crucial For Sustained Growth, Especially For Companies Without Traditional Storefronts. The new millennium has seen the rise of a truly global marketplace, and with it fresh challenges for business owners. Increased global co...

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  1304 Hits

Why You Need to Prioritize Online Reviews for Your Business

Consumers are getting more and more savvy. What do they find when they research you? Genuine quality and customer service are values that many customers seek out before they make a purchase. The challenge, though, is that plenty of businesses say the...

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  1160 Hits