Build Trust With Your Customers And Keep Them Coming Back There once was a time when companies would send catalogs to their subscribers by post—or snail mail as we also know it—to help boost business. While this strategy was deemed to be ...
Target the Right Customers with the Right Messaging, Every Time If you’ve ever sent an e-newsletter or worked with a digital marketing agency, you’ve probably heard of list segmentation. It’s an essential part of any successful ...
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Is Your Messy Client List Getting In The Way Of Your Newsletter’s Performance? Email marketing is simple, right? Just throw an email together, send it to your list of contacts you’ve accumulated over the years, and call it a day. Well, no...
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Maximize Email Effectiveness With Segmented Lists For many integrators, email marketing is the great unknown. You send out messages into the void and hope that those emails result in potential customers. But the truth is that email marketing is far m...
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