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How To Avoid Common Content Marketing Mistakes


Expand Your Company’s Reach With Smart Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is a proven way of getting your business in front of more eyes by boosting your website’s search engine rankings and social media presence, but it requires smart strategies to be effective. Search engine optimization is vital, but so is having appealing content and an active social media presence. In this blog, we look at some common content marketing mistakes that prevent you from maximizing your company’s reach and offer solutions to help you get on the right track.

1. Writing Only For SEO

We understand that SEO is a top priority of content marketing, but writing uninspired, uninteresting content so you can get a keyphrase on your website will only get you so far. Google measures dwell time—the amount of time someone spends on your page before returning to the search engine results page—so if people are clicking your link but only spending a couple of seconds on it, your ranking isn't going to be as high. That's why you want to create engaging content that pulls people to your site and keeps them there, ideally motivating them to click through more links and spend more time on your pages. Having compelling, informative content establishes your company as a thought leader in your industry, and will keep readers coming back to gain new insights.

2. Lack Of Short-Term And Long-Term Planning

Preparation and planning are always going to be two critical factors for success in any endeavor. It's hard to prepare if you don’t know what both your short-term and long-term goals are, and taking the time to determine what you want to accomplish in a specific frame of time can make a big difference. Keyphrase research is an essential practice for understanding what your client base is searching for, and optimizing your site for the top keyphrases will help you reach the people who can benefit most from your products and services. An editorial calendar gives you a clear outline of the keyphrases and geographies you want to target over time, and having that roadmap makes it easier to drive your business forward.

3. Underestimating The Reach Of Social Media

You might think that optimizing your website for search engine crawlers is enough to boost your rankings, but don’t ignore the opportunities available to you through social media. There’s a wide array of free social media networks that can help you boost brand awareness, and taking advantage of them elevates Google ranking while also providing more avenues for getting your content in front of potential customers. By creating a social media strategy that caters to the unique audiences of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, you’ll boost your company’s profile and find fresh ways to engage with your clientele.

4. Quantity Over Quality

A see-what-sticks approach might work in the early throes of your content marketing campaign as you try to figure out what brings you the most traffic, but you don't want to waste company resources putting out loads of content that are getting lost in the rush. Keep a close eye on the analytics for your web pages and social media feeds to see what content is getting the most attention, and make appropriate changes to ensure that you continue exploring topics that your audience is eager to learn more about.

Working with a digital marketing agency like One Firefly will help you avoid these content marketing mistakes, giving you access to a team of professionals who can help you develop a content marketing strategy and create content that will help you expand your online presence.

Reach out to us today by calling 954-477-8331, clicking the Contact Us tab at the bottom of your screen, or sending a message in our live chat window. And for more marketing tips, check out our Automation Unplugged interview series and 5Min Marketing video series to expand your knowledge.

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