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Should Your Business Send E-Newsletters? Spoiler: Yes


Build Trust With Your Customers And Keep Them Coming Back

There once was a time when companies would send catalogs to their subscribers by post—or snail mail as we also know it—to help boost business. While this strategy was deemed to be successful, its method of delivery changed drastically by the evolution of technology.

Now in place of those tangible catalogs are electronic newsletters, and more brands are turning to them as part of their digital marketing efforts every day. But the questions remain: Why are brands sending e-newsletters to their customers? Should you be sending them, too? And if so, how frequently? Find the answers to all of these questions below.

SEE ALSO: Surprising Email Marketing Statistics That Will Make You Rethink List Segmentation

Why Send Newsletters?

Brand Awareness

Apart from being a quicker and eco-friendlier alternative to paper mail, e-newsletters offer you an easy way to interact with both active and dormant customers. When you make a sale, the relationship between you and the buyer has only just begun. Recurring and engaging newsletters help you create a human, holistic, and customer-driven conversation that builds trust with your buyers and keeps them coming back to you.

Personalized Communication

Newsletters also allow you to create highly personalized, targeted content that relates to your customers individually. By utilizing a professional emailing marketing service like MailChimp or Constant Contact, you’re given an intuitive platform to manage your lists for characteristics like geographical location, demographics, their purchases with you, their behaviors with your content, and more. Using targeted lists allows you to write creative content that feels more personal to your readers, which builds trust with them and keeps them coming back to you.

How Often Should You Send Newsletters?

Ah, the million-dollar question. Should you send a newsletter every week? Once a month? Once a year? Effective newsletter schedules will vary from business to business, so the best step you can take is to test your newsletter frequency to see which generates the most engagement with your customers. But before you do, keep the following in mind:

  • Your customers are overloaded with information every day. From polluted inboxes to push notifications, social media and more, consumers have a lot to look at. So, be intentional with the frequency of your newsletters. Sending one every day may be too overwhelming but sending one only once a year may disconnect you from your readers.
  • Your customers want information that’s worth their while. Because your goal is to engage with your clients rather than just show up in their inbox, the value of your content is more important than the frequency at which you send your newsletters. So, while it’s still crucial to test different sending periods for optimization, remember that quality is better than quantity.

It Doesn’t Stop There

Putting text in a template and pressing send once a month isn’t going to deliver the results you want if you aren’t properly strategizing and analyzing your efforts. If you don’t know why you’re sending specific content to your contacts, they won’t know why either, and that’s how you lose subscribers.

By first defining your goals and then studying your results, you’ll better learn how to evolve with your ever-changing customers and their interests. As their behavior with your content changes, you’ll know how to adapt with them to stay relevant and deliver fresh material in order to prevent losing your readers.

In short, use data-driven analysis to learn what makes your customers tick, and track the right metrics to ensure you’re maintaining interest and keeping your customers coming back.

Want to learn more about how to refine your marketing strategy to build your brand and create lasting relationships with your customers? Contact our team of digital marketing experts to get started.

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