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An Overview Of One Firefly’s New Blog Products

An Overview Of One Firefly’s New Blog Products

We’re expanding our blog product offerings to help meet your unique needs

Blogging is the cornerstone of any successful content marketing strategy. Publishing high-quality content increases brand awareness and visibility, drives search engine traffic to your website, builds credibility and authority in your industry, and feeds robust social media and email newsletter campaigns.  

At One Firefly, we’ve spent many years building a team of industry-focused writers and marketers to produce well-written, SEO-optimized blog content to help custom integration businesses grow. 

And tens of thousands of blogs later, we’ve realized: one size does not fit all when it comes to blogging. That’s why we’ve created a scalable, tiered blog product with multiple options to meet your budgetary needs and marketing goals. 

Keep reading to learn more. 

SEE ALSO: Blogging: Why It’s Important & Helps Businesses Stay Relevant

Blog Tier 1: Create a Spark

What is the Spark Tier? A Spark blog is a 300-word blog researched, written, and reviewed by One Firefly’s team of industry-focused writers. Each blog is optimized with a targeted SEO keyword to help Google find and index the blog on page one of search.

When is this tier a good fit? The Spark Tier is a good fit if your marketing funds are limited or inflexible. We understand that when budgeting is tight, compromises have to be made. However, we believe it’s valuable to keep investing in active growth strategies like blogging that drive traffic to your site and build SEO power, so that you remain present and growing online. Our Spark Tier allows you to keep a content marketing strategy active and publish blogs on your website, social, and newsletter, without breaking the bank. 

The Spark Tier is also a good fit if you want to scale your content marketing at an affordable rate. Spark blogs require less time and resources from our internal team to produce, which means we can offer them to you at a lower price point. At a lower price per blog, you can purchase more blogs per month without exceeding your set budget.    

Is a 300-word blog enough content to make an impact? Absolutely! At the Spark Tier, your blogs will be optimized with the keywords your target audience uses to find information online. Regularly publishing blogs with relevant SEO keywords will provide fresh content for Google to start indexing and ranking, helping your business build a search engine presence over time. In Google’s eyes, the quality of your content holds far more weight than the word count. Plus, concise, well-written pieces of content can improve readership and engagement among your target audiences. Short-from content caters to readers’ short attention spans, is mobile friendly, and is highly shareable on social media. 

Blog Tier 2: Let It Glow

What is the Glow Tier? A Glow blog is a 500-word blog researched, written, and reviewed by One Firefly’s team of industry-focused writers. Each blog is optimized with a targeted SEO keyword to help Google find and index the blog on page one of search.

When is this tier a good fit? The Glow Tier has been our standard blog offering for the past ten years, and we’ve successfully helped hundreds of clients reach the first page of Google with this type of content. It’s a good fit to drive consistent growth and better SEO performance. Regularly publishing content at this tier will help you maintain strong search engine rankings and continually attract high-quality traffic. Our Glow Tier blogs have more time allocated for research and writing, which results in a longer and more educational final product than the Spark blogs.  

What impact does a 500-word blog have? What happens when you add fuel to a spark? The fire grows hotter and stronger. And the same thing happens to your SEO performance when you add more time, research, and resources to your content production. Compared to a 300-word blog, a 500-word blog increases the number of opportunities to use relevant keywords and related keywords in a piece of content. In turn, improved keyword use can boost search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website. Additionally, longer content provides more research, information, and education, which helps your business build more credibility and authority in the industry. 

Blog Tier 3: Watch It Blaze

What is the Blaze Tier? A Blaze blog is a 1000-word blog researched, written, and reviewed by One Firefly’s team of industry-focused writers. Each blog is optimized with a targeted SEO keyword to help Google find and index the blog on page one of search. 

When is this tier a good fit? The Blaze Tier is a good fit if you’re ready to take a more active role to position your business as a thought leader in the field, provide highly educational or technical content, and dominate in SEO performance. Our Blaze Tier allows increased time for our writers to research and write your content and discuss unique angles with you and your team during the production process. We know that many of our customers want to take a more active role in shaping the direction of their content — if that’s the case for you, the Blaze Tier will offer you the increased time and resources you need from our team.   

What impact does a 1000-word blog have? Long-form blogs set your SEO performance ablaze. Compared to short-form content, long-form content increases the number of opportunities to use and rank for multiple keywords and related keywords that drive high-quality organic traffic to your website. Additionally, prospects reading long pieces of content drive up the time visitors spend on your site. An increased time on site lowers the bounce rate, a key metric that Google uses to determine page rankings. The lower your bounce rate, the more relevant Google deems your content to be, and the higher you’ll rank. 

Additionally, long-form content will help you establish your brand as a thought leader in the industry. Long content delivers more well-researched information, statistics, unique analysis, topic breakdowns, and in-depth explanations than shorter blogs do. The educational value in long-form blogs positions you as a subject matter authority and valuable resource, and fosters loyalty and trust among your prospects and existing clients. Producing well-researched and well-written content is especially beneficial for custom integrators because your prospects require extensive education and nurturing before committing to purchasing a high-end product or service.  

Let One Firefly help you find the content marketing strategy that fits your budgetary needs and marketing goals. Contact our team to set up a consultation today.

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