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Get the latest marketing news

Catch up on the latest industry marketing news, dive deeper into marketing strategies and best practices, and get our best digital marketing insights below. We post often, so come back regularly to continue learning!

Launch Into Digital Marketing With The Affordable Atlas Website Solution

Spend $99/month on your website and use the remaining funds for active digital marketing

In a digital-first era, your company can’t compete in the technology market without a robust and engaging web presence. And in an ideal world, you would have the funding available for an SEO-optimized Mercury Pro website and full suite of digital marketing services to support it. 

But what if the annual marketing budget is just not there? Any amount of research will tell you that a brand-new, custom website could easily surpass your entire budget for the year. If that’s the case, how do you balance funds between a new website and ongoing digital marketing to optimize the budget and achieve a return on investment (ROI)?

At One Firefly, we recognized that many of our dealers face this issue year after year and end up compromising one way or the other. That’s why we created the Atlas Website Landing Page, an affordable website solution that allows you to improve your online presence, invest in active growth strategy, and see measurable ROI from your marketing — all within budget. Keep reading to learn more about the strategy behind Atlas and the feature lineup included in our Atlas solution.

SEE ALSO: The Power of Live Chat: 4 Reasons Your Website Needs a Chat Service

The Power Of Reputation: 3 Ways Online Reviews Help Grow Your Business

Learn how reviews help you cultivate an online presence that customers can’t resist

A positive reputation is one of the most valuable business assets you can have. In a world where customers have unlimited access to the web to perform thorough research and competitor analysis before making purchasing decisions, your business needs to have a stellar online reputation to convince people that you’re the right fit for their needs. 

Over the past several years, reading online reviews has become an integral part of the buyer’s journey. The presence of good reviews and testimonials is proven to help businesses maintain a good reputation, earn customers’ trust, and drive purchasing decisions.

Keep reading to learn three ways reviews help grow your business!

SEE ALSO: The Power of Live Chat: 4 Reasons Your Business Needs a Chat Service

The Power Of Live Chat: 4 Reasons Your Business Needs A Chat Service

Did you know that website visitors are more likely to return to your site if live chat is being offered?

Live chat is the fastest, most convenient, and easiest way for website visitors to connect with your brand. It’s a fantastic tool for engaging consumers in real-time while they’re perusing your product and service offerings. In addition, having a manned chat service on your website ensures that visitors’ first point of contact will be with a real person — which is an invaluable asset toward building strong and trustworthy relationships with potential new customers.    

Keep reading to learn four benefits of adding a live chat service to your website!

SEE ALSO: Working With A Marketing Agency: Interview Part 4 (An Inside Look From The “Lead Concierge” Chat Team)

Google Ads: Common Objectives

How Can SEM Attract Highly Targeted Customers To My Business?

As the go-to marketing agency in the residential and commercial audio-video, security, and automation industry, One Firefly is excited to inform you how we can help your business thrive utilizing our flagship SEM services.

One Firefly will deliver custom Google Ads Campaigns to help increase both conversions and revenue for your technology contracting business. With nearly 60 industry-trained and specialized marketing staff, our team is prepared to help integrators track and improve ROI on Google Ads investments and deliver highly targeted on-demand leads for your business.

SEE MORE: Can Your Business Profit from an SEM Campaign?

Google Ads: Why Now?

Industry Leading SEM Services Now Available To ALL Integrators

SEM or search engine marketing involves driving traffic to your website by paying for ad space on search engine platforms such as Google. Using SEM, you are paying Google to show up in front of your competition when those highly targeted customers are searching for your services or products. You can even pay to show up whenever someone searches for your competitor’s business name!

SEE MORE: Can Your Business Benefit From an SEM Campaign?

How To Write Persuasive Content For The AV Industry

How to Write Persuasive Content for the AV Industry

Learn 3 tips for writing AV and technology-focused content that’s engaging, impactful, and memorable

Persuasive writing tells a story and creates an emotional connection with your audience. This is true across all industries, including the AV and technology industry. In a compelling piece of technology-focused copy, your audience is the main character, their desires, needs and pain points are the conflict, and your products and services are the solutions.

We have emotional connections to the technology we use daily. Technology helps us communicate with family and loved ones around the world, make our living environments more inviting and comfortable, feel safer, and access entertainment that brings enjoyment to our lives. The key to writing compelling, impactful AV content is seeking out those emotional connections and bringing them to the forefront of your audience’s mind.

Technology-focused content can be as persuasive, impactful and emotional as content about health, wellness, art, literature, or love. Below, we have three tips to help guide the creation of AV content that resonates with your target audiences.

SEE ALSO: Engage Your Customers With Language That Speaks Directly To Them  

Marketing Horror Stories: I Was Locked Out Of My Own Google Analytics Account

Watch out for these marketing mishaps that One Firefly is sharing with us over the next few months. In Part 1 of this series, we talk about how important it is to own your own accounts and data when it comes to Google Analytics.

Over the course of the next four months, we’re going to feature multiple horror stories and describe how to protect your business from falling victim. We will prepare you with questions you should be asking your internal team or marketing agency. As they say, knowledge is power and we want to empower you to know how to protect your rights and your intellectual property as it relates to your brand and marketing.

Marketing Horror Stories: I Lost My Google Ads Data

Watch out for these marketing mishaps that One Firefly is sharing with us over the next few months. In Part 2 of this series, we talk about how important it is to own your own accounts and data when it comes to Google Ads.

Over the course of the next four months, we’re going to feature multiple horror stories and describe how to protect your business from falling victim. We will prepare you with questions you should be asking your internal team or marketing agency. As they say, knowledge is power and we want to empower you to know how to protect your rights and your intellectual property as it relates to your brand and marketing. 

Marketing Horror Stories: I Was Locked Out Of My Own Social Media Accounts

Watch out for these marketing mishaps that One Firefly is sharing with us over the next few months. In Part 3 of this series, we are highlighting the importance of owning and retaining your social media accounts and data.

Over the course of the last few months, we’ve been featuring integrators’ marketing horror stories and talking about how to protect your business from falling victim to similar crises. We will prepare you with questions you should be asking your internal team or marketing agency. As they say, knowledge is power and we want to empower you to know how to protect your rights and your intellectual property as it relates to your brand and marketing.